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Under the current form of government-led,enhancing credit and overcoming the credit crisis of the government will mainly depend on the government's independent conduct namely conscientious Government.

Under the condition of the laboratory simulation,the toxic effects of petroleum hydrocarbons and various concentrations of copper(Cu~(+)) on the polychaete Nereis diversicolor and on its antioxidant enzyme defense systems were examined. 在实验室模拟条件下,研究了石油烃和不同浓度的Cu+对沙蚕(Nereis diversicolor)种群的毒性效应及对其抗氧化酶系统活性的影响.
Under the condition of the yield and the tumble index keeping unchanged,the vertical sintering speed is increased from 0.08 mm/min to .8 mm/min,and the productivity is increased from .0 t/(m·h)to .87 t/(m·h)through the optimization of sintering speed. 通过优化,在保持转鼓强度及成品率基本不变的情况下,垂直烧结速度由0·08mm/min提高到了·8mm/min,利用系数由·0t/(m·h)提高到·87t/(m·h)。
Under the conditions of 0. g(. mmol) nitrobenzene,0. 8 g(0 mmol) sodium borohydride and 0. g Ni(Ⅱ) resin stirred for .0 h in mL methanol at room temperature,nitrobenzene was reduced to aniline in 98.7% yield. 以Ni(Ⅱ)树脂催化NaBH还原硝基苯的适宜反应条件为:0. g(.mmol)硝基苯、0. 8g(0mmol)NaBH和0. gNi(Ⅱ)树脂在mL甲醇中室温反应.0h,在此条件下苯胺的收率为98.7%。
Under the conditions of % burnt lime addition,digestion of burnt lime for 0 mins and granulation for mins,the tumble index was increased from . % to . %,productivity from .7 t/(m·h) to .89 t/(m·h). 在生石灰配比 %、生石灰消化 8~ 0min、混合料制粒 min的条件下 ,烧结矿转鼓强度由 %提高到 % ,利用系数由 7t/ (m ·h)提高到 89t/ (m ·h)。
Under the conditions of reaction temperature 70 ℃, reaction pressure .0 MPa, and n(methanol)/n(tertiary amylene) .0, the percent conversion of tertiary amylene was up to 87. %. 在反应温度为 80℃、压力为 .0MPa、n(甲醇 ) n(叔戊烯 )为 .、LHSV为 h- 的条件下 ,叔戊烯的转化率为 8. 7%。
Under the current form of government-led,enhancing credit and overcoming the credit crisis of the government will mainly depend on the government's independent conduct namely conscientious Government. 在目前政府主导形态下,政府信用的提高和信用危机的克服主要仰赖于政府的行为自主性即政府自觉。
Under the indoor conditions, the female oviposition pattern of Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker was investigated and the ootheca quality and egg development were studied. 在室内饲养条件下,通过对不同月龄的中华真地鳖EupolyphagasinensisWalker雌成虫产卵量调查,并对卵块的质量品级和发育进度进行划分。
Under the lab conditions, the effect of salinity in to .‰ on planula,scy-phistoma, ephyra and little medusae (involved their growth, development and survival) was observed. 在室内控制条件下,盐度为— .‰范围内,本文就盐度对海蜇(Rhopilema esculenta Kishinouye)浮浪幼虫、螅状幼体、碟状幼体和幼水母的生长、发育、变态及成活的影响进行实验研究,发现浮浪幼虫生存的盐度下限为‰;
Under the natural selection in different environments, heterostylous reproductive system can evolve towards dioecy or self-compatible homostylous reproductive system symbolizing the breakdown of distyly. 莕菜是一个具有花柱二型性系统的水生克隆植物,广泛分布于北温带地区,前人的研究结果表明莕菜具有较弱的花柱二型性自交不亲和系统,自交和型内杂交会产生一定数量的种子,并推测当自交衰退在环境中变得极为不利的时候,莕菜可能会向雌雄异株方向演化。
Under the optic microscope observe the slice, calculate median and arteriolar relative mid- membrane thickness with CMIAS. Calculate ratio of sarcous artery to realize the sarcous degree of lung vessels. 光镜下观察切片,应用CMIAS图像处理与分析系统计算肺中型肌型动脉和小型肌型动脉相对中膜厚度(RMT),计算内外弹力层完整的肌型动脉占肺小血管总数的百分比,了解肺小血管的肌化程度。
Under the preconditions of the maximum running speed 00 km·h~(-) and 0 (km·h~(-)), the maximum negotiation speed on turnout entering the siding is calculated under four operating (conditions). 以列车最高运行速度 00km·h-和 0km·h-等条件为前提,对种运行工况下道岔侧向最高允许通过速度要求进行计算。

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