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“Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?

“They've got to wake up,” snapped Lapo Elkann, the heir to the FIAT empire, who was in the stands yesterday afternoon for the debut match. “他们必须尽快清醒,”巨头菲亚特的继承人拉波.埃尔坎急切地说道。昨天下午,他在观众中间观看了尤文的新赛季首战。
“They've taken over all the space.” Megan complains. “他们把地方全占了。”麦根抱怨说。
“Things like that happen,” says Mr. Li, a 63-year-old engineer. “But I'm not worried about a crash. After a five-year-long bear market, the bull market shouldn't end that fast. “虽然这样,”63岁的工程师李先生说。“但我并不担心崩盘。五年之久的熊市之后,牛市的结束应该不会这么快。”
“Think not that you can incline your heart to the immediate practice of holiness, by any such practical principles.....but rather let such principles stir you up to go to Christ first by faith. (万不可以为通过这些实际的操练就可以使你的心立马就成圣,而是要在信心中通过操练使你更亲近基督。)
“Think of September 11th happening over and over again to your country, and expecting in the midst of such a tough battle against a lethal, ruthless, determined enemy, called terrorism, to think about building institutions of democracy, respect for law an 试想一下911袭击一次一次的在你国家重演,设想你在一场如此艰难的战争中,面对这如此亡命,残忍,坚定的敌人,设想一下建立的民主体系,满足尊重法律和人权的基准。
“Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch? “看来你是用了足够的炸药,布奇?”
“Third, through perfect seeing, all discrimination is dissolved into a non-conceptual state. 第三,以清净见,所有的分别念都会融于无相分别中,进入无观行。
“This agriculture deadlock could really derail the whole project,” he said. “这一农产品僵局可能真的要破坏整个项目,”他表示。
“This case,” he said, “shows the enormous consequences of overreaching by a prosecutor. 试译:他说:“这个案子显示了一个检察官行为过头所造成的无穷后果。”
“This change in clubs has only helped increase my motivation. “俱乐部的改变给了我更大的动力。
“This child is very smart, she scores in the top five on every test. “这孩子很聪明,每次考试都排在前五名,所以,我们不想让她辍学,才搞起了这次募捐活动。”

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