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A species native to the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, the history of its introduction is not known.

A specially formulated oil-rich cream, that soothes and heals to give your baby longer lasting protection from nappy rash, chafing, skin irritations, minor sunburn, cracked lips and dry skin. 特殊配方制造的婴儿霜,给您的宝宝皮肤更长时间的保护,让肌肤平滑并得以治疗,对尿布疹,干痒等皮肤不适,轻微晒伤,嘴唇干裂以及皮肤干燥均比较有效.
A specially trained Langoor monkey and handler take position near the roof of the South Block before the departure of U.S. 12月9日,在印度首都新德里,一只猴子和驯猴师在一座大楼屋顶附近张望。
A specially-built mirror outside his apartment window allowed him to peek unseen at the world outside. 在他公寓窗户外的一面特殊的镜子,让他能够不被外面察觉而看到外面的世界。
A species becomes extinct when the last individual dies. 当最后一个个体死了,一个物种灭绝。
A species can be characterized by its karyotype since the number, size, and shape of chromosomes vary greatly between species but are fairly constant within species. 由于不同物种的染色体数目、大小和形状有很大区别并且具有稳定性,因此核型可以为某一物种的特征。
A species native to the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, the history of its introduction is not known. 原産于美洲西印度群岛及墨西哥湾区,引入香港的历史不详。
A species superficially resembling the willow, this large, violent tree attacks anyone who gets too close (CS, PA). 一种外观与柳树相像的植物,这种巨大、性烈的植物会攻击任何接近它的人(密室,囚徒)。
A species that is on the brink of extinction. 处在灭绝边缘的物种。
A species would be extinct if they can't produce their descendants during every generation. 一个动物物种如果不能在每一代生育足够数量的后代,那它就要灭绝.
A specific Wikimedia Foundation project in a certain language or a multilingual project, such as English Wikipedia, French Wikisource, or Meta. 维基媒体基金会的在一个语言或多个语言的项目,如英文维基百科,法文维基百科,元维基。
A specific crystalline form of a compound that can crystallize in different forms. 多晶形(物)一种能以不同形式结晶的化合物的特殊晶形

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