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Corzine broke his leg, a number of ribs, his sternum and cracked a vertebra when his motorcade crashed along the Garden State Parkway yesterday.

Corundum mullite product adoprs electrocast refractories .Through high pressure formation and high temperature burning ,this product has comparatively high refractoriness ,mechanical strength and slftening temperature under load .It can be widely used as 刚玉莫来石制品是采用电熔合成原料,高压成型,高温烧成的具有较高耐火度及机械强度,较高荷重软化浊的可广泛应用于各类工业炉高温、冲刷、侵蚀条件较苛刻的窑炉内衬的耐火制品。
Corus shares closed in London on Tuesday at 563p and yesterday climbed almost 7 per cent to 601?p. 在伦敦股市,哥鲁氏股价周二收于563便士,昨日攀升近7%,至601?便士。
Corvino is keen to use Bojinov to secure first refusal on Reggina strike ace Rolando Bianchi, who the Fiorentina chief hopes to land in the summer. 科尔维洛很想用博吉诺夫去交换得到雷吉纳的首席射手比安奇的优先选择权,佛罗伦萨主席希望在夏天得到他.
Corwin is trying to unravel the source of the black road, the reason for the mysterious attacks on Amber, and identify the guilty parties. 三人正试图揭开源黑色路,原因神秘攻击黄色,并找出真凶。
Corythosaurus was a plant eater. It ate pine needles, seeds, fruit, twigs and magnolia leaves. 冠龙是草食动物。它吃很多种植物,比如松树叶,种子,水果,嫩树枝,还有木兰叶。
Corzine broke his leg, a number of ribs, his sternum and cracked a vertebra when his motorcade crashed along the Garden State Parkway yesterday. 科赞昨天他的车子在公园州(美国新泽西州之别名)的驾车专用道路发生事故,这使得他的腿,许多肋骨以及胸骨受伤,而且其脊椎骨骨裂。
Cos everybody needs a little star. 因为大家需要一个小星星。
Cos of the limitation of time, we've only been to Lotus&Weeping Willow Park, North PuTuo Temple, Forest Bathing and Tower. 因为时间有限,只去了荷花垂柳,北普陀寺,森林浴场和塔楼4个景区。
Cos we can make a difference, in some body's life! 因为我们可以使这些人的生命变得不同!
Cos you were all yellow. 因为你们都是黄色的。
Cose, Ellis. Our New Look: The Colors of Race. 我们的新面貌:人种的颜色〉。

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