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The Master said,“He who learns but does not think,is lost;he who thinks but does not learn is perilous。

The Master said,“To lead untrained men into war, is to throw them away . 孔子说:“用没有受过军事训练的人民去作战,这叫做抛弃他们。”
The Master said,“A gentleman does not seek satiety at table or ease at home;if intent upon his business and cautions in speech,he turns to those who possess the Way and rectifies himself in accordance with it,of him I will indeed say that he is Eager to l 孔子说:“君子,吃饭不要过饱,居住不要太安逸,敏捷努力地做事并要说话谨慎,到有道的人那里去匡正自己,这样就可以说是好学了。”
The Master said,“A gentleman who is widely versed in letters and at the same time knows how to behave courteously,is not likely to go far wrong。 孔子说:“一个有道德的人,广泛地学习文献知识,再用礼节加以约束,也就可以不致于离经叛道了。”
The Master said,“A gentleman's attitude toward the world is such that he shows no preference;but he is prejudiced in favour of what is right。 孔子说:“一个有道德的人,对于天下的事情,并没有规定怎样干,也没有规定不要怎样干。要的是怎样干起来恰当,就去怎样干。”
The Master said,“A man who does not count beforehand upon the fraud of others nor reckon upon promises not being kept but,is able to perceive then beforehand is a true sage indeed。 孔子说:“不预先怀疑别人的欺诈,也不无根据地猜测别人不老实,却能及早发觉,这样的人是一位贤者吧。”
The Master said,“He who learns but does not think,is lost;he who thinks but does not learn is perilous。 孔子说:“如果只学习不思考,那就要陷入迷惘之中,如果只思考不学习,那就很危险了。”
The Master said,“It is flattery to offer sacrifices to the dead not of your own family。It is cowardice to fail to do what is right。 孔子说:“祭祀自己不应该祭祀的鬼神,是献媚。见到应该挺身而出的事情却袖手旁观,这是怯懦。”
The Master shall take necessary measures to protect the ship and all persons on board, the documents, postal matters, the goods as well as other property carried. 船长应当采取必要的措施,保护船舶和在船人员、文件、邮件、货物以及其他财产。
The Master would go into trances or open his heart in religious discourses and in the narration of his own spiritual experiences. 师父会进入出神状态,或者会在谈论宗教问题上吐露心中的隐秘,又或者会叙述自己的灵性经历。
The Master, learning of his conduct, scolded him roundly. 师父熟悉他的为人,大力地斥责他。
The Masters in Social Work degree provides oncology social workers with theoretical knowledge, clinical expertise and practical experience with patients. 社会工作硕士学位提供癌症社会工作者理论知识、临床技术和为患者服务的实践经验。

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