Gag orders at this stage in the proceedings are rare, though not unprecedented.
虽说并非史无前例,但进展到这阶段下达禁令实属罕见。 |
Gage Galinger: “Speak with your money. Buy the games you like. Don't waste time on low quality games.
买你所买,爱你所爱,让你的钱和时间花在高质量的游戏中,才能带给你真正的娱乐享受! |
Gage verification or calibration rate.
计量器具检定率。 |
Gagnon-Tremblay demands the right of Quebec to full membership in Canadian delegations, the right to speak for itself at international forums and the right to veto any treaty or agreement that Ottawa plans to sign.
哦对了,还有:“魁北克要修改《联合国教科文组织》下的加拿大委员会的功能定义,让魁省政府成为唯一有权与魁省民间进行协商的机构。” |
Gaia : We have been expecting you, Ghost of Sparta. The Gods are far too powerful for us to defeat now.
盖亚:我们等着你的到来,斯巴达之魂,神对于我们来是太强大了,现在我们无法击败他们。 |
Gaia speaks nothing but half-truths and falsehoods.
“盖亚除了一半的真相和一半的谎言,什么也没告诉你。” |
Gail Vivino inserted her expertise and fine-tuning skills to bring the book to its final stages, along with Barbara Doern Drew, Amy Frost, and the other Bear &Company staff.
盖尔•威维诺加进她的专长和很棒调谐技能带着书到了它的最后阶段,连同芭芭拉•多尔恩一起吸引过来,艾美•弗罗斯特,和其他负担&公司职员。 |
Gail has sent out 200 resumes within the past three months, but only landed one job interview.
盖尔三个月内发了两百份简历,但只获得一次面试的机会。 |
Gail: My desk is a mess. I really should tidy it up a bit.
盖尔︰我的书桌一团乱。我真的需要整理一下了。 |
Gain an understanding of tonal range and how to adjust lighting and exposures using techniques like Luminosity Masking, Light Painting and creative ways of combining multiple exposures.
本教学教授色调范围的基本知识,并告诉大家如何在图象中调整光线,暴光,与色彩合成. |
Gain and maintain the trusting relationships with customers.
与战略合作伙伴建立并保持良好的信任关系。 |