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Experts say that it will have sunk another 20-50cm by 2050.

Experts say that 90 percent of all compulsive shoppers are women. 专家称,90%的强迫性购物者是女性。
Experts say that computer hackers steal millions of dollars worth of information every year. 专家们说,计算机领域中的闯入者每年偷走价值数百万美元的情报信息。
Experts say that development of the Chinese shoe culture has a close link with archeology and engineering science, and it is of significant cultural, historical and artistic value. 有关专家认为,中国鞋文化的发展与考古学、工艺学等学科密切相关,有较高的文化、历史和艺术价值。
Experts say that if we go to war with Iraq, oil could reach as much as$80 a barrel. Of course, after the war it will be free. 专家说了,一跟伊拉克开仗,石油能涨到80美元一桶。也合理,反正打完了仗,咱们就可以白用他们的石油了。
Experts say that implementing the real-name system may hit China's mobile telecom operators hard in short term because of fewer new users and increased operational costs. 专家说,实行手机实名制可能会对我国的通信运营商带来暂时性的冲击,新用户减少和运营成本的增加是其中两个主要因素。
Experts say that it will have sunk another 20-50cm by 2050. 该城的运河也世界闻名。
Experts say that marriage etiquette requires the fiancé to spend one month's salary on the engagement ring. 专家说,结婚礼仪要求未婚夫用一个月的工资来购买订婚戒指。
Experts say the chances of survival are getting small but the mine's co-owner is still optimistic. 专家表示:被困矿工的生存机会越来越小,但矿主们仍然表示乐观。
Experts say the chances of survival are getting smaller, but the mine's co-owner is still optimistic. 专家表示矿工们生存的机会日益渺茫,但矿主合伙人仍然表示情况乐观。
Experts say the depth of the sea makes it almost impossible to pump the remaining oil from the tanks. 他们声称,由于海洋的深度,几乎不可能将剩下的石油从油罐中抽出。
Experts say the extra speed on the rails will increase passenger and cargo capacity significantly. 专家指出超高速铁轨将增加客流量及大大提高货运能力。

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