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The freckles over her nose were an added at\\traction rather than otherwise.

The franchisor and the franchisee, through friendly negotiation, have signed the contract and agreed on the terms and conditions stipulated below. 特许人和受许人双方经过友好协商,同意签订合同,并就如下条款达成一致。
The franchisor dictates most of the details of business operation, including décor, types of sighs, even attire and hairdo of the employees. (授予特许者指定企业运作的大部分细节,包括店铺装饰、招牌类型,甚至员工服饰与发型。)
The frangibility of ecology environment in western China determines the approaches to strengthen interactions between economy and ecology rather than polluting before administering. 摘要西部地区生态环境的脆弱性决定了西部地区在工业化过程中不能走“先污染、后治理”的发展模式,而应该强化经济与生态环境的互动发展。
The frank man put the first-rank blank blanket into the tan tank. 坦率的人把这条第一个繁茂的空白的毯子放进褐色油箱。
The fraud exception principle is an important practice gradually established in the practice of international trade to deter frauds in the use of letters of credit. 摘要信用证欺诈例外原则,是各国在国际贸易实践中逐渐建立完善的一种遏制信用证欺诈的重要制度。
The freckles over her nose were an added at\\traction rather than otherwise. 他鼻子上的雀斑不但无损容颜,反而使她显得更加俊俏。
The free bird cries, O my love, let us fly to wood. 自由的鸟说:呵,我爱,让我们飞到林中去吧。
The free end of hairs splitted like a “ brush” . (3)CIA: There were significant differences between affected and healthy hairs (P<0.05). 结论根据鸟巢状发的监床、光镜和扫描电镜检查和毛发图像分析等结果,认为鸟巢状发毛发表面有异常。
The free guns are only for those in law enforcement, saidUpton,who is married to a police officer.We thought it would be agoodway to entice other police officers, Upton said. 不过厄普顿特地指出,这种不要钱的手枪只会提供给那些在执法部门工作的人们,而事实上她自己的丈夫就是一名警官。
The free of charge replacement of defective parts during the warranty period provided by the Seller shall be void if the Buyer is unable to supply the aforesaid documents. 如果买方无法提供上述单据,卖方在质量保证期间对有缺陷的部件提供的免费更换应失效。
The free press spirit fulfills itself by pursing the freedom of the press. 自由的新闻精神正是以追求新闻自由的方式实现着自身。

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