That which is from fortune is not separated from nature or without an interweaving and involution with the things which are ordered by Providence. |
中文意思: 交好运得来的,也离不开自然,离不开天意安排的种种组合与融汇。 |
That which befits us is cheerfulness and courage.
愉快心情和勇气才是适合我们的。 |
That which ends in exhaustion is death, but the perfect ending is in the endless.
终止于衰竭是“死亡”,但“圆满”却终止于无穷。 |
That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land.
利25:5遗落自长的庄稼、不可收割、没有修理的葡萄树、也不可摘取葡萄.这年、地要守圣安息。 |
That which is brief, if it be good, is good twice over.
精练的智语是双倍的明智. |
That which is evil is soon learnt.
恶行易学。 |
That which is from fortune is not separated from nature or without an interweaving and involution with the things which are ordered by Providence.
交好运得来的,也离不开自然,离不开天意安排的种种组合与融汇。 |
That which is gathered or amassed; a collection or an accumulation.
收集物被收集或聚集的东西;一种收集物或获得物 |
That which is past is gone, and irrevocable; and wise men have enough to do, with things present and to come; therefore they do but trifle with themselves, that labor in past matters.
过去的已经过去,且一去不返,而聪明人总是努力着眼于现在和将来的事情,所以对过去耿耿于怀着无非是在捉弄自己罢了。 |
That which is, is far off, and deep, very deep; who can find it out?
24已有的事离我甚远,深而又深,谁能测透呢? |
That which was dead , or so it seemed , has come to life again the stiff branch , supple; the brown earth , green .
那些死去的生命和看上似乎已经死去的生命,重获生机,僵硬的树枝柔软了,褐色的土地变绿了。 |
That which was dead, or so it seemed, has come to life again - the stiff branch, supple; The brown earth, green.
死去的,或看似死去的,都重获新生。僵直的枝条软了,褐色的土地绿了。 |