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My unsound heart and the consuming loneliness of longing for someone perhaps anyone will do as long as that someone will love me constantly, ceaselessly, it will suffice.

My uncle will come rushing up to me and say,You will get lost,my boy;let me carry you. 我的叔叔将会跑来说:“你会迷路的,我的孩子,让我牵着你。”
My uncle works in a restaurant. 我舅舅在一家餐馆工作。
My uncle's angry voice lashed out at me like a lightning strike. Come here, right now,he commanded in a harsh tone. 我叔叔生气的声音像闪电一样抽了我一下。“过来,立刻。”他语气严厉的命令我。
My uncle,who will be seventy tomorrow,is still a keen sportsman. 尽管我大伯明天就满70随了,但它仍然热衷于户外运动.
My undercover agents will not have tattoos identifying them as members of my organization, nor will they be required to wear military boots or adhere to any other dress codes. 所有我的卧底都不会有用来辨识他们身分的刺青,也不用穿著军靴或是遵守某种固定的穿著,佩带装饰品的规定.
My unsound heart and the consuming loneliness of longing for someone perhaps anyone will do as long as that someone will love me constantly, ceaselessly, it will suffice. 我生病的心灵还有这耗人的寂寞,渴望著任何人的解救,只要那个人肯不停地、不断地爱我,就已足够。
My untuned strings beg for music in their anguished cry of shame. 我失调的琴弦在它们羞愧的痛苦呻吟中乞求音乐。
My upcoming talk to the Conference of the Association for Software Testing asks what we know now: What is exploratory testing and how do we do it? 我即将在软件测试协会会议上做的一个报告要问到我们现在所知道的:什么是探索性测试,我们如何进行这种测试?
My use of blogging could be one reason why I was selected. 博客的运用可能是我入选的其中一个原因。
My usual approach is to deepen the defensive line and widen the formation. 我通常的方法就是防线加深,阵形加宽。
My venerable Predecessor Pope John Paul II, who is with us at this moment, beatified and canonized a great many people from both the distant and the recent past. 现在与我们一起的、敬爱的前任教宗若望保禄二世宣认了很多不同时代的真福和圣人。

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