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Squeeze a small amount onto a clean, soft cloth or damp cellulose sponge. Rub the soiled areas briskly.

Squat down, slide, accelerate, soar - some changes it skies to be so slim and graceful, magnificent so. 下蹲,滑行,加速,腾空~花样滑雪就是这般轻盈,这般华丽。
Squat: Hold light-weight dumbbells in each hand with arms straight and hanging down alongside the body. 下蹲:每一只手都握住一个哑铃,且保持两个手臂在身体旁边垂直向下。
Squatter houses along the track used the railroad as an access to their houses. 居住在铁轨沿路的违章建户,常利用铁轨作为回家的交通工具。
Squeaking again.This time the culprit is the playground seesaw. 同样让人抓狂的还有孩子的尖叫声,特别是他们在游乐场上极度兴奋时。
Squeamish refers to the feeling of disgust and discomfort at seeing certain things, e.g. blood, pain, torture, etc. 意思是看到某些事物比如血或虐待的事情而感到不舒服。
Squeeze a small amount onto a clean, soft cloth or damp cellulose sponge. Rub the soiled areas briskly. 挤出少许洁剂于柔软清洁的抹布或湿润海绵上,轻快地擦去表面的污垢。
Squeeze all the water out of the towel. 把全部的水从毛巾挤压出来。
Squeeze gel onto dry palms and apply to dry face with a gentle massaging motion. After dirt and makeup are loosened, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. 取适量按摩脸部,当开始感到指尖的运行变得较轻滑时,便是污垢已浮出、停止继续按摩的时候了,卸粧后别忘了再以洗面乳彻底洗去化粧品以外的污垢。
Squeeze it, hit it, strangle it, do it until you\'re bored and then find something else to torture. 挤压它、打击它、卡它,直到你厌倦了,换个东西来蹂躏。
Squeeze the shutter release, don't stab at it. 按快门,注意,不是像按打火机那样按!
Squeeze[skwi:z] a little ointment['intmnt] on your eyelid. 将这种眼药水滴入眼睛,每天4~6次,每次1~2滴。每晚住眼皮里挤一点眼药膏。

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