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As a result, we often miss the sweetness from the other end.

As a result, un-caging the creativity of children, helping them to understand themselves and the world, to use their imaginations, teaching them how to become problem solvers, and creators of their own futures is what we do at American HouseTM. 因此,解放他们的创造力,帮助他们理解自己和世界,让他们发挥想象力,教会他们成为一个解决问题的人和创造自己未来的人,就是我们在我们的“美国之家”所做的事情。
As a result, we all have the ability to be unique in the way we express ourselves musically. 同样的结果,在表现我们自己的音乐上我们都有做到独一无二的能力。
As a result, we can become strong-bodied. 这样我们就能身强力壮。
As a result, we focus on applications of SPR and QCM biosensors for high-throughput screening and the acquisition of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of different biding systems in this article. 本文中,笔者针对表面电浆共振与压电石英微天秤在小分子药物活性筛选、动力学及热力学参数的求测来进行探讨。
As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden. 因此我们不得不给菜地浇水。
As a result, we often miss the sweetness from the other end. 因此,我们经常错过另一端传来的温馨的甜蜜。
As a result, we passed the drill! 因此我们顺利通过消防演习。
As a result, western Liaoning Province has become one of the most important areas in the world for the study on the origin of birds, dinosaur evolution, and the early evolution and radiation of birds, mammal and angiosperms. 我国辽西地区已经成为世界上研究鸟类起源,恐龙的进化,鸟类、哺乳动物以及被子植物的早期演化和辐射等最重要的地区之一。
As a result, when affiliate products are sold by their sub-affiliates, these affiliate recruiters will also get paid a referral commission. 由于他们的产品已在下属分子公司、这些附属招募还将领到工资介.
As a result, while human hair can look shiny clean, it can never achieve the brilliance and radiant coloration of a peacock's tail feather. 作为一种结果,人类的毛发可以看起上来充满光泽和清洁,但并不能像孔雀尾巴那样发光和充满色彩。
As a result, winter temperatures average above freezing and summers are mild. 因此这儿冬天平均气温在零上而且夏天也不会酷热。

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