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His theory is bottomed on questionable assumptions.

His testimony was marked by many lapses of memory. 他的证词有许多地方记错。
His theories were discredited by scientists. 他的理论科学家很怀疑.
His theory has begun to attract notice. 他的理论开始吸引世人注意。
His theory has evolved over many years. 他的理论是经过多年所演绎的。
His theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are born equal. 他的理论基于人人生来皆平等的假设。
His theory is bottomed on questionable assumptions. 他的理论是以不可靠的假定为根据的。
His theory is founded on facts. 他的理论建立在事实的基础上。
His theory is not intelligible to us. 他的理论我们无法理解。
His theory is not supported by the facts. 他的理论没有被事实支持。
His theory is that junk collecting has something to do with the fact that bone chips are a normal part of a growing condor's diet. 他提出一种理论,即秃鹫习惯采集垃圾是因为一只处于成长期中的雏鸟需要吃掉一些硬质物莱增强骨质。
His theory is too complex for me. 他的理论对我来说太繁琐了。

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