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Second, new option schemes will have to dovetail with the expected amendments to China's company law.

Second, migraine with aura, as obesity, seems to be a risk factor for cardiovascular events. 其次,有先兆偏头痛和肥胖都是心血管事件的危险因素。
Second, money serves as(serve for) a store of value. (第二,货币发挥着价值存储的功能。)
Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. 第二,应更加努力把计划生育政策付诸实施,因为人口多就意味着污染严重。
Second, my laboratory, then at the University of Tennessee at Memphis, discovered that compounds in the same chemical category as the classical inhibitors of aspartyl proteases could block gamma-secretase cleavage of APP in cells. 其次,我在美国田纳西州大学曼菲斯分校时,我们实验室发现,与天冬胺酸蛋白酶传统抑制剂同类的化合物,可以阻止细胞内γ分泌酶切割APP的反应。
Second, never during the 4 centuries did the Romans and Britons intermarry. 其次,在四世纪对罗马人和不列颠人通婚。
Second, new option schemes will have to dovetail with the expected amendments to China's company law. 其次,新的期权方案要与预期的中国公司法的修改相吻合。
Second, oligarchic capitalism, in which the bulk of the power and wealth is held by a small group of individuals and families. 其二是寡头政治的资本主义,这种制度下的绝大部分权力与财富都掌握在少数个人与家族的手中。
Second, our national economy is developing rapidly and the birth rate has been put under control. 其次,我们的经济在迅速发展并且出生率得到了控制。
Second, presidents saddled with hostile congresses often try to salvage their reputations abroad; but the ramifications around the world of America's slow defeat in Iraq make it hard for Mr Bush to do that. 其次,布什以及他们在国会中政见相左的民主党人,都在竭力挽回美国在国际社会上的形象,但是随着美国陷入伊拉克战争泥潭,打而不胜的尴尬局面僵持下去,许多分歧意见和反对的声音出现了,这使得布什总统想在伊拉克问题上挽回颜面更难上加难。
Second, quantum strings may have angular momentum even if they lack mass. 其次,就算没有质量的量子弦,也可以有角动量。
Second, set up and improve the system for internal IPR management, and learn to leverage IPR for self-development and protection. 第二,建立和完善知识产权内部管理制度,善于运用知识产权发展和保护自己。

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