The parasitic thermal energy produced combined with the electricity that is generated make the treatment plants self-sufficient and wastewater from sewage treatment works can be purified to industrial water quality for reuse as irrigation water or can be
产生的热量与生成的电能相结合使处理工厂可以自给自足,废水通过污水处理系统净化后可以达到工业用水质量并做为灌溉水重新使用,或者处理为符合更高质量标准的用水(如果需要)。 |
The parasitized DBM larvae had prolonged their 4th instar duration obviously, and the later the larva had been parasitized, the longer this extended duration became.
小菜蛾幼虫被寄生后,其4龄发育历期较未被寄生的显著长,且寄生时龄期越大4龄历期延长越多。 |
The parasitized larvae had consumed more food than the healthy ones, but the former could not pupate.
被寄生的幼虫取食量较未被寄生的显著增加,但均不能正常化蛹。 |
The paratrooper got so scared that he forgot to pull his rip cord. So he said, \\\Buddha oh Buddha,\\\and a hand came out and saved him.
当那个伞兵跳伞时太惊慌,忘记了拉开降落伞。因此他念〞佛啊!佛啊!〞及有一只手救了他。 |
The paratroopers, armed with exercise rifles that shoot rubber bullets, landed in a corn field outside the Fremont Correctional Institute, Colorado Department of Corrections spokeswoman Katherine Sanguinetti said.
科罗拉多惩教部女发言人凯萨琳.桑奎内提指出,这批「天兵」配备发射塑胶子弹的演习用步枪,降落在弗雷蒙特惩教所外的一个玉米田。 |
The paratroops descended on the village and took it in a matter of minutes.
伞兵部队在村庄上空降落,在几分钟时间里就把它攻取下来。 |
The parcel must have miscarry, for she never receive it.
邮包一定投递错了,因为她一直没有收到。 |
The parcel was postmarked Brighton.
这邮包盖着布赖顿的邮戳。 |
The parcel was returned to the sender because the directions were incorrect.
包裹因姓名地址有误而退给了寄件人. |
The parcel was returned to the sender because the directions were incorrect.
包裹因姓名地址有误而退给了寄件人。 |
The parcel was sent to the wrong destination.
包裹送错了地方。 |