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The Study On Construction,Immunogenicity and Protection Against Mycobacterium tuberculosis of mpt64-recombinant BCG Vaccine

Advance in Torque Teno Virus Infection Torque Teno病毒感染研究进展
Piriformospora indica with multiple functions and its application prospects 印度梨形孢的多种功能及其应用前景
Engineering of Escherichia coli for convenient expression of[FeFe]-hydrogenase 异源表达【FeFe】氢酶的基因工程大肠杆菌的构建
Analysis of Key Nodes in Metabolic Pathway Model of γ-linolenic Acid γ-亚麻酸代谢途径模型中关键节点的分析
Separation and Purification of Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteriophage 金黄色葡萄球菌噬菌体的分离纯化
The Study On Construction,Immunogenicity and Protection Against Mycobacterium tuberculosis of mpt64-recombinant BCG Vaccine mpt64-卡介苗重组疫苗的构建、免疫原性及抗结核作用
Study on apoptosis of neural cell and its gene regulation in brain of aging rats 老年鼠脑老化神经细胞凋亡及基因调控的研究
Isolation and identification of Bifidobacterium from healthy human feces 一株来源于人体的双歧杆菌的分离与鉴定
Evaluation on biological safety of ultra-macromolecule PDLLA 可吸收超高分子量聚-DL-乳酸材料的生物安全性评价
Component Analysis of Proteins in Egg White 鸡蛋清蛋白的组分分析
Construction of pAdeno-siPPARγ 过氧化物酶增殖子活化受体-γ siRNA腺病毒载体的构建

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