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For the purpose of combination of the antimicrobial effect of the silver ion with the high absorption properties of the alginate fibers, silver ions can be added into the alginate fibers to prepare silver-contained alginate fiber and wound dressing.

For the punk rock band that is noisy, because it means that I can hear. 朋克乐队吵翻了天——那意味着我听力不错。
For the purpose of alleviating the growing decrease in forestry resources and the pressure on the degrading environment, it is established, according to the Forestry Law, and the Decision on Speeding up the Forestry Development (No. 9 Document) issued by 为了缓解森林资源急剧减少、生态环境日趋恶化的压力,根据《森林法》、中共中央国务院《关于加快林业发展的决定》(9号文件)、国家发改委《关于重点地区速生丰产用材林基地建设工程规划的批复》等法规、文件的规定,国家以法律形式确立了林权和林权流转的合法性以及积极鼓励多种社会主体投资林业的政策。
For the purpose of assisting, within the scope of the first paragraph, existing enterprises that have already developed hot spring utilization in hot spring areas to comply with the provisions of the law concerning building use, the municipal or county (c 为辅导第一项範围内,现有已开发供温泉使用事业使用之建筑物符合相关法令,直辖市、县(市)政府应考量温泉区发展特性并兼顾公共安全,就其建筑物至挡土墙坡脚间之退缩距离、建筑物外墙与挡土墙设施间之距离及建筑物座落河岸之退缩距离,于辅导方案中订定适用规定,并案报请行政院核定。
For the purpose of auditing income derived from securities transactions under the provision of Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 1, regulations governing the recognition of the price, costs and expenses of securities transactions, as well as the assessment of s 第一项第三款规定有价证券交易所得之查核,有关其成交价格、成本及费用认定方式、未申报或未能提出实际成交价格或原始取得成本者之核定等事项之办法,由财政部定之。
For the purpose of availing himself of the benefit of limitation provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article the owner shall constitute a fund for the total sum representing the limit of his liability with the Court or other competent authority of any one 为享有本条第一款规定的责任限度的权利,船舶所有人应在按第九条规定提出诉讼的任一缔约国中的法院或其他同等主管当局为其设立相当其责任限度总数的基金。
For the purpose of combination of the antimicrobial effect of the silver ion with the high absorption properties of the alginate fibers, silver ions can be added into the alginate fibers to prepare silver-contained alginate fiber and wound dressing. 摘要为了结合银的抗菌性能和海藻酸纤维的高吸湿性,可将银离子加入海藻酸纤维后制备含银的海藻酸纤维和医用敷料。
For the purpose of constructing such a harmonious society, the thorough implementation, strict observance, and total utilization of economic laws will play an important role in the process, for the laws under discussion are designed to regulate market eco 经济法要完成自己的历史使命,促进和谐社会的构建,就必须把构建和谐社会的战略思想、价位目标融合到自身的价位取向之中,做出与构建和谐社会一致的价值选择和价值追求。
For the purpose of constructing the topology relation among triangles in STL files rapidly, the algorithm of reconstructing topological relation is presented. 摘要为快速构建STL文件三角面片之间的拓扑关系,提出了一种快速拓扑重构算法。
For the purpose of continuance of palm drama, it's done by splendid story without space-time background, and call for new and strange; mysterious against incredible, energy against breathing technique, plus splendid extent created by various musical instr 布袋戏之存续,是藉由推陈出新、跳脱时空背景,以新奇怪异为号召,神秘斗玄疑、精光战气功,加以各式乐器增添精采度,声光效果秃显火候功力,其操弄布偶之高超技术,另人叹为观止。
For the purpose of effective corner detection and precise localization, in this paper we propose an efficient invariant corner detection method based on wavelet transform. 爲有效检测角点,并对之精确定位,本文著重介绍一种基于小波变换的不变性角点检测方法。
For the purpose of effectively fostering this exchange and sharing, it is necessary to rely on building a standardized and feasible information exchange model to support. 为有效的來促进此一交换与分享,必需有赖建立一个标准且可行的资讯交换模式來支援。

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