LIGO and the other ground-based detectors are sensitive to frequencies from a few tens of Hertz (cycles per second) to a few thousand Hertz.
LIGO和其它的地基探测器对从几十赫兹(每秒的周期数)到几千赫兹的频率都是敏感的。 |
LIGO consists of two US facilities, one located in Livingston, Louisiana and the other in Hanford, Washington.
而位于美国的LIGO则包括两套设施,一套安放在路易斯安娜州的李文斯顿,另一套在华盛顿州的汉福。 |
LIGO started collecting data in 2003. The observatory is the largest, most sensitive gravitational wave detector ever built. A planned series of upgrades will increase LIGO's sensitivity even more.
LIGO从2003年开始收集数据。它是目前全世界最大的、灵敏度最高的引力波探测所。一系列的升级计划将更进一步提高其灵敏度。 |
LIGO wants to introduce seismic isolation and thermal control (whereby the mirrors are not cooled but heated on the periphery to compensate for the heating at their centers).
LIGO也想要安装震动隔离装置及温度控制系统(他们不是冷却镜子,反倒在镜子周边加热,以弥补与镜心的温差)。 |
你愿不愿意,我们现在是同盟,我们有共同的敌人。 |
LIKE MANY American soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia, I had my picture taken as I sat on a camel.
像很多驻守沙特阿拉伯的美国军人一样,我有骑在骆驼上照的照片。 |
LIKE a deity, radio spectrum is invisible, omnipresent and commands awesome power.
无线电波像神明一样,无法看到而又无处不在,并拥有让世人敬畏的力量。 |
LIKE a seer of antiquity, Osama bin Laden has returned from the wilderness to cast his curse against the evildoers.
本拉登就像一个古代先知,他从荒野中归来,诅咒为非作歹之人。 |
LIKE the disco era it dominated, stagflation has a distinctive beat: slow growth, rising inflation, high oil prices and weak labour markets.
就如那迪斯科流行的年代,滞胀也曾经拥有与众不同的节拍:低增长,高通胀;高企的油价,疲软的劳动力市场。 |
LILLE,France(Reuters) - Burglars broke into a po-lice station in the northern French city of Lille and stole 15 guns along with cannabis, heroin and co-caine, police sources said.
法国里勒市:一伙儿盗贼闯入了法国北部城市里勒的一个派出所,偷走了15支枪以及大麻、海洛因和可卡因,警方消息人士说道。 |
LILO may be installed either on the MBR (replacing the small program that loads the boot sector of the active partition) or in the boot sector of every disk partition.
LILO可以被装在MBR中(替代那个引导活动分区的引导扇区),也可以在任何一个分区的引导扇区中。 |