Lending MarginA spread that borrowers agree to pay above an agreed base rate of interest.
贷款利率差借方同意支付议定利率的差额。 |
Lending on deals offers lower margins if higher volumes.
各种交易的领头羊压缩利润以获取更多的交易量。 |
Lending rates still are only around 6%, low for an economy expanding 14% in nominal terms, not taking into account inflation.
贷款利率仍维持在6%的水平,比名义经济增长速度14%要低,而且还没有计入通货膨胀的影响。 |
Lendl's strength onclay gives him a theoretical advantage.
兰德尔体格健壮,按说他占些优势. |
Length and width is perfect for Taiwanese!
弧度宽度窄度都刚刚好!! |
Length error in S-RAM data received from server.
从服务器返回的S-RAM数据长度错误。 |
Length of Navigable Inland Waterways : refers to the length of the natural rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals, and ditches open to navigation during a given period, which enables the transport by ships and rafts.
内河航道里程:也称“内河通航里程”,是反映内河水运网规模、水平和发展情况的主要指标;是指在一定时期内,能通航运输船舶及排筏的天然河流、湖泊水库、运河及通航渠道的长度。 |
Length of Railways in Operation : refers to the total length of the trunk line under passenger and freight transportation.
铁路营业里程:又称营业长度,指办理客货运输业务的铁路正线总长度。 |
Length of foreface to be in proportion to skull 3 to 5.
口吻部与头骨长之比为3:5。 |
Length of the leg from elbow to ground is slightly more than the distance from the elbow to the top of withers.
前肢的长度(从肘关节到地面)要比肘关节到肩部顶端的距离略长。 |
Length: 10-12 double-spaced pages. You should use standard margins (1-inch to 1.25-inches on each side of the page) and a 12-point font.
长度:10-12页,双倍行距。使用标准页边距(页边1到1.25英寸)和12号字体。 |