Q) The eleventh problem concerns a parallel with Christianity. Is Gnosticism the closest type of Christianity to that which is given through this source?
问︰第十一个问题是与基督教有关。是否诺斯底教义更接近与这个管道给出的讯息? |
Q) The sixth problem concerns interplanetary and inter-system dwelling, between earthly lives.
问︰第六个问题是关于两个转世之间的星际游历和不同系统之间的停留。 |
Q) What action of the early church, or council, can be mentioned as that which ruled reincarnation from Christian theology?
问︰可以讲述在早期的教会的有关从基督教教义中将转世剔除的事件吗? |
Q) What will the medical clinic be checking for?
问:医疗诊所将会检验些甚么? |
Q) Why have I not got any sound after the intro movies? I have a motherboard with onboard sound.
为什么在开场动画后我就听不到任何声音了?我使用的是主板的板载音效芯片。 |
Q) Will there be new winning conditions in TAD, like Regicide?
TAD会有新的胜利条件,例如弑君吗? |
Q. 59. Who was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence?
独立宣言由谁主笔??汤玛士杰佛逊。 |
Q. A little more routine today?
今天的比赛好像更例行公事一点? |
Q. After coming to power will your party operate freely or will it still remain underground?
问:在你们党取得政权以后,你们的活动是自由的呢,还是仍然保持地下状态? |
Q. After the French Grand Prix result, are you looking forward to this weekend?
在法国站获得好成绩后你是不是很向往这个周末? |
Q. After the first round you said you had a few problems with your strokes, your serve, your forehand. Do you think you have improved?
第一轮过后,你说你的击球、发球、正手都有点小问题,现在你认为它们改进了吗? |