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After this, we see less and less of her.

After this, the excitement that couldn't be expressed had followed me all the time until the end of the conversazione. 此后,一种难以用语言表达的兴奋一直伴随着我,直到座谈会的结束。
After this, the new backgrounds should be visible in the Background box in the Preset Options dialog of BrainWave Generator. 这以后,新的背景,应该是透明的背景框预设选项对话框脑波发生器.
After this, the work is mainly that of translators, who follow glossary guidelines and rules. 然后,就主要是跟从词汇表的指导和规则的翻译人员的工作。
After this, this kind of influence had being extended all with Neo-Confucianism. 尔后,这种影响一直延续,并愈演愈烈。
After this, we got ready and went up to Jerusalem. 15过了几日、我们收拾行李上耶路撒冷去。
After this, we see less and less of her. 在这以后,她出现的机会越来越少。
After this, what will it take for us to allow the carrier also? 在这之后,将给我们带来什么,也允许航空母舰(开放)吗?
After those successes, scientists slowly started working up the food chain from inspects to mice and monkeys. 在这些成功之后,科学家慢慢的开始按照生物链从昆虫到老鼠到猴子进行传送试验。
After thousans of failure,finally Edison succeeded in inventing the electric light. 爱迪生失败了几千次才成功地制造了电灯.
After three acupuncture sessions patients were asked how confident they were that they would benefit from the treatment strategy they were receiving. 针刺3次之后,询问患者是否确信可以从目前的治疗策略中获益。
After three days at sea we sighted the land. 在海上航行了三天,我们终于看见了大陆。

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