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Maybe it is happiness, maybe it is sadness.

Maybe in a few years, you too can run in a marathon. 也许再过几年,你也能参加马拉松赛跑。
Maybe in the future, Americans will want to be whiter and Chinese will want to be darker. 将来,美国人也许想变得更白,而中国人想变得更黑。
Maybe in the not too distant future it will be a landscape architect's designs that others are debating in the national arena, and maybe, just maybe, we will be seen as the vanguard of evolving design professions. 也许在不久的将来,景观建筑师的作品会站在国际舞台上被评论的,也许,只是也许,我们被视为设计专业的先锋。
Maybe it could be 0419 and point to some important page? 是不是可能是0419并指向一个重要的页码?
Maybe it is bad to them, but it is just our vantage. 或许对他们是坏事,但对我们正是优势。
Maybe it is happiness, maybe it is sadness. 也许它是幸福,也许它是悲哀。
Maybe it is their smaller size, but the cars really seem to move faster here. 或许应该说是原版车的迷你型,但这里的汽车似乎行驶速度更快。
Maybe it was a slight injury. 也可能是运动伤害。
Maybe it was all a vivid nightmare. ?]许这一切都只是一场逼真的噩梦。
Maybe it was only the beginning of something better in life, better than you could ever have thought possible before clamping your avid jaws down over the vital bait. 也许这只是更美好生活的开始,要比你闭上贪婪的嘴咬住那极为重要的鱼饵之前所能够想到的要好。
Maybe it was the way he overlooked my obvious lack of sophistication and treated me like a serious adversary. 也许是他一再宽容我缺乏经验,把我当作一个危险的对手来对待.

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