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Many of children left in cradles are girls as in Pakistani society people tend to prefer baby boys to girls.

Many of PepsiCo's brand names are more than 100-years-old, but the corporation is relatively young. 百事的许多品牌有逾100年的历史,而整个公司还相对比较年轻。
Many of Taiwan's small restaurants are filthy, and would fail a health inspection in Japan or any western country. 台湾的小吃店大多很都很肮脏,一定过不了日本或西方国家的卫生检验。
Many of The Queen‘s official tours were undertaken on the Royal Yacht Britannia. 女王多次出访均乘坐皇家游艇“大不列颠号”。
Many of Verne's other books were set in the future. 凡尔纳其他的很多著作将在后来出版。
Many of a lawyer's professional responsibilities are prescribed in the Rules of Professional Conduct, as well as substantive and procedural law. 律师的许多职责都规定在《律师职业行为规范》以及其它实体和程序法中。
Many of children left in cradles are girls as in Pakistani society people tend to prefer baby boys to girls. 留在摇篮的都是女生,在巴基斯坦喜欢男生胜过女生。
Many of events held in ancient Olympic Games are still held today, such as running races, javelin, discus throws, wrestling and boxing, and some other events no longer exist now, including chariot racing and contests only for boys. 很多古代奥运会的项目直到今天仍在举行,例如赛跑、标枪、铁饼、摔跤和拳击,另外一些则已经不复存在,其中包括战车赛和专为男孩们而设的竞赛。
Many of her attacks are quite flexible and can be used either as an opener, bridge or finishing attack. 这些都可以被很灵活的使用为链开始技,链连接技或者是链结束技。
Many of hes garments geatured the color that now bears that came to be known as Armani greige. 他的许多服饰的特点在于一种现在是以他的名字命名的颜色,即混合了淡棕色与灰棕色的“阿玛尼灰棕色”。
Many of his Republican colleagues are abandoning him, either because they disapprove of infidelity (Mr Craig is married) or because they frown on homosexuality. 克雷格先生的诸多共和党同事都不齿其行:或是责他对婚姻不忠(克雷格已婚),又或因他们自身对同性恋不屑一顾。
Many of his comments are started with the ordinary, contradiction and sham absurdity and lead to the question and exploration for truth. 他的许多议论,都是从平凡入手,从矛盾入手,从佯谬入手,从而导向对真理的叩问与探索。

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