For the first thousand years of its existence, the church held that a marriage was valid if a couple claimed they had exchanged words of consent – even if there were no witnesses and no priest to officiate.
在宗教的头一千年历史中,只要一对男女称他们交换过婚姻的承诺,教堂就会承认他们的婚姻,就算他们之间没有任何证人和举行仪式的牧师也行。 |
For the first time Oriental religious philosophy became generally accessible.
东方的宗教哲学第一次在总体上变为可以获得。 |
For the first time Venusian scientists managed to land a satellite on the planet Earth, and it has been sending back signals as well as photographs ever since.
金星上的科学家首次成功的将一颗卫星送上了地球,并且,这颗卫星金从着陆起就源源不断的发回信号和照片. |
For the first time Venusian scientists managed to land a satellite on the planet Earth,and it has been sending back signals as well as photographs ever since.
金星上的科学家首次把一颗卫星成功地送上了地球,此后卫星便不断地发回信号和照片。 |
For the first time a woman is presiding bishop of Episcopal Church.
英国圣公会主教史无前例地任命一名妇女担任住教。 |
For the first time critical notes were placed behind biblical texts.
批评性的笔记第一次被放进圣经正文之后。 |
For the first time ever, my pen metaphorically hestitated over writing her, because I thought, everyone will think this is my response to what's happened to me.
第一次,我犹豫了很久写她,因为我想,每个人都会认为它是我对发生在我身上的事的答复。 |
For the first time in 75 years icebergs are visible from the New Zealand shoreline. Tourists are even hiring helicopter pilots to take them out for a closer look.
从新西兰海岸线就可以看见各种冰山,这可是75年来的头一回。游客们甚至雇直升飞机驾驶员带他们起飞,以便更近距离观赏一番。 |
For the first time in American church history, untrained Christians were now encouraged to speak out and their words were taken seriously.
在美国的教会历史上,未受过训练的基督徒现在头一次被鼓励畅所欲言,并被认真地看待其意见。 |
For the first time in Chinese history, ships can sail up the Yangtze to bring trade deep into the country, throwing open the gates to prosperity.
这也是中国历史上首次实现万吨级船只通航到长江上游,深入中国内陆,延伸贸易航线,打开上游繁荣的大门。 |
For the first time in Ford's history, Chinese consumers will stand at the fore front of the worldwide market to enjoy the excitement of Ford's best product offerings.
从而使中国消费者在福特历史上,第一次得以站在全球市场的最前沿、率先亲身感受福特品牌的巅峰之作。 |