In this case, the disease was unilateral and presented in infancy as a mass lesion which was removed surgically.
本例,种病变是单侧的,在婴儿期发现后当作肿块手术切除了。 |
In this case, the document will be passed through a review process that ensures it won't go live until these reviews are done.
这里,文档将通过一个审核流程进行传递,以保证仅仅在审核通过的时候,这个新闻稿才生效。 |
In this case, the high-level program is called the [b]source code[/b], and the translated program is called the [b]object code[/b] or the [b]executable[/b].
在此意义下,高级语言程序被称为源代码,编译后的程序称为目标代码或者可执行程序。 |
In this case, the high-level program is called the source code , and the translated program is called the object code or the executable .
在此意义下,高级语言程序被称为源代码,编译后的程序称为目标代码或者可执行程序。 |
In this case, the infective endocarditis demonstrates how the infection tends to spread from the valve surface.
感染性心内膜炎显示了源自瓣膜表面的感染的传播途径。 |
In this case, the inspector's judgment should be followed.
在此情况下,应跟随检查员的判断。 |
In this case, the ion is potassium.
这里的离子指的是钾离子。 |
In this case, the optimizer heuristically guesses a small value for the selectivity, using an internal default value.
优化器会自己猜测一个值,怎么猜呢?这样说来绑定变量的执行计划是可变的吗? |
In this case, the overall cost was £550/㎡, including the basement and conservatory, which is well within the range of normality.
这个工程总的造价为£550/㎡,包括地下室和温室,这个造价完全在正常的造价范围内。 |
In this case, the patsies are other financial institutions.
在这种情况下,替罪羔羊们就变成其他金融机构。 |
In this case, the price of the chocolates provides the rule of thumb.
在上面的例子里,巧克力的价格就是经验法则。 |