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The poll revealed differences between countries in the way people tried to impress the opposite sex.

The poll found that nearly nine in ten doctors claimed their patients arrived for an appointment having already decided on their diagnosis. 调查数据发现,十名医生中有近九位声称他们的病患前来问诊时,对于诊断已有定见。
The poll has been reset and it looks like a tight race. 尾ㄚ这项民调重新开始,目前两派拢真拼。
The poll is available for free but requires a user's e-mail address to download. 该项调查是免费的,但是需要用户的电子邮件地址用来下载相关资料。
The poll of football supporters to decide the star performer in the national side last year was carried out through the Football Association's website www.TheFA.com. 谁是英格兰去年最光芒四射的球员?此项投票是由支持者于英国足总网站中选出的。
The poll reported Labour to be leading. 民意测验显示工党领先。
The poll revealed differences between countries in the way people tried to impress the opposite sex. 结果显示:在不同国家之间,人们在试图博得异性好感时所采取的方式存在差异。
The poll revealed over three quarters of British drivers were unable to identify the motorway map symbol, while only one percent of motorists would pass the Cub Scout Map Reader test. 该调查发现,英国超过四分之三的司机不会辨认公路地图图标,仅有1%的司机能通过“童子军认图测试”。
The poll says two thirds of Americans feel the country is going in the wrong direction, and just over half disapprove of the way Mr. Bush is doing his job. 这次调查显示,三分之二的美国人感到美国正在朝错误的方向走。有一半多一点的人不认可布什的工作方式。
The poll stays the highest point during the entire movement. 在整个动作期间,维持项部为最高点。
The poll was won by Cameroon's legendary striker Roger Milla. 喀麦隆传奇射手罗杰米拉获得榜首。
The pollen grain germinates on a special extension of the carpel, the stigma, and double fertilization results in a diploid zygote and triploid (usually) endosperm nucleus. 花粉粒在柱头上萌发,双受精导致双倍体的合子和三倍体的胚乳形成。

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