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Check valve can be installed on the upward horizontal line or vertical line or any middle parts.

Check to ensure path and filename are correct. 检查以确保路径和文件名正确。
Check to see if the client is running with top or ps. 如果客户端程序显示在桌面上,您可以发现它时刻不停的在运行。
Check to see if they have done the work. 去看看他们工作做好了没有。
Check up with built-in pipe & hole & so on as per drawings during civil construction. 依据图纸设计检查土建的予埋件预留空洞.
Check valve and butterfly valve combinations are very popular; normally a short spool piece is required between the valves. 止回阀和蝶阀组装是很常见的,通常需要在阀门之间增加一段短管。
Check valve can be installed on the upward horizontal line or vertical line or any middle parts. 止回阀可以安装在与上向流水平或垂直的直线上或任何中间位置。
Check valve guiding shall be plastic to plastic. 止回阀引导装置应该是塑料对塑料。
Check valve seats are replaceable without the use of special tools. 止回阀阀座可更换,不需要采用特殊工具。
Check valve tags are typically mounted on the rim of the cap. 止回阀标签通常安置在阀帽的边缘上。
Check valves must be installed with the inlet in the direction of arrow. 必须按照箭头所指方向安装止回阀的进口。
Check visually if gear and tyre are intact, do not retract the landing gear until fire is out. 请目视检查起落架及轮胎是否完整无损,火熄灭后才收上起落架。

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