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Article 19 A contractual joint venture may, within its approved scope of operation, import materials it needs and export products it produces.

Article 18: After the people's court accepts the bankruptcy petition, the administrator shall have the right to decide to terminate or to continue the performance of contracts between the debtor and the counterparties thereto formed before the acceptance 第十八条?人民法院受理破产申请后,管理人对破产申请受理前成立而债务人和对方当事人均未履行完毕的合同有权决定解除或者继续履行,并通知对方当事人。
Article 18: The franchisor shall provide the applicant in writing with truthful and accurate basic information relating to the franchise, as well as the franchise contract text, 20 days prior to formal signing of the franchise contract. 第十八条特许人应当在正式签订特许经营合同之日20日前,以书面形式向申请人提供真实、准确的有关特许经营的基本信息资料和特许经营合同文本。
Article 18An offer may be revoked. The revocation notice shall reach the offeree before it has dispatched a notice of acceptance. 第十八条要约可以撤销。撤销要约的通知应当在受要约人发出承诺通知之前到达受要约人。
Article 19 A bill of exchange is a negotiable instrument, signed and issued by the drawer, who authorizes the drawee to pay unconditionally a sum certain in money to the payee or the holder at sight or on a specified date. 第十九条汇票是出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或者在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。
Article 19 A budget consists of budgetary revenues and budgetary expenditures. 第十九条预算由预算收入和预算支出组成。
Article 19 A contractual joint venture may, within its approved scope of operation, import materials it needs and export products it produces. 第十九条合作企业可以在经批准的经营范围内,进口本企业需要的物资,出口本企业生产的产品。
Article 19 A party that disagrees with the ruling made by the Trademark Office on the opposition may apply for a reexamination by filing an Application for Reexamination of Trademark Opposition, one original and one duplicate copy, with the Trademark Revi 第十九条当事人对商标局的异议裁定不服的,可以在收到商标异议裁定通知之日起十五天内,将《商标异议复审申请书》一式两份交送商标评审委员会申请复审。
Article 19 A sole proprietor may manage the affairs of the sole proprietorship enterprise by himself, and may also appoint or hire another person with the capacity for civil act to manage the sole proprietorship enterprise. 第十九条个人独资企业投资人可以自行管理企业事务,也可以委托或者聘用其他具有民事行为能力的人负责企业的事务管理。
Article 19 A tenderer shall prepare the tender documents in accordance with the features and needs of the project subject to tender. 第十九条招标人应当根据招标项目的特点和需要编制招标文件。
Article 19 Abuses of the sign of the Red Cross is prohibited. 第十九条禁止滥用红十字标志。
Article 19 All construction projects shall be designed in compliance with the requirements for fortification against earthquakes and in conformity with the standard aseismatic design and shall be constructed in accordance with the design. 第十九条建设工程必须按照抗震设防要求和抗震设计规范进行抗震设计,并按照抗震设计进行施工。

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