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18 Li LH, Xiang ZM, Chen LH, et al.

18 In November 1942, the Russians launched a counterattack. 1942年11月,俄国人发起了一场反攻。
18 It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shall act with reasonable despatch in all circumstances within their control. 被保险人应在所有其控制的情况下合理迅速地行动是本保险的一项条件。
18 It's time for us to get up. 19 It's time to play games. 该我们起床的时间了。该是我们做游戏的时候了。
18 June 2007 - EU's imports of Chinese clothing surged in the first quarter, as a clear sign that China's share of the European market may further climb when quotas will be eliminated at the end of the year. 2007年6月18日--欧盟中国服装进口在第一季度激增,有明显的迹象表明,当配额在今年年底消除时,中国占欧洲市场的份额可能会进一步攀升。
18 Let beggars match with beggars. 龙配龙,凤配凤。
18 Li LH, Xiang ZM, Chen LH, et al. 李丽华,项钟明,陈立宏,等。
18 She took the letter from my hand. Glad you could come. Now, just sit you down. No, sit down there. I'll tell Mr. Harned you've come. 她从我手里接过信。“真高兴你来了。这样吧,你先坐下。不,坐那儿。我去跟哈内德先生说你来了。”
18 Take off your coat,please. 请脱去你的外衣.
18 Thank you for you cooperation. 谢谢你们的合作。
18 That night Porter read through company literature and discovered the products were guaranteed. He would sell that pledge. He just needed people to listen. 当晚,波特仔细阅读了公司的宣传资料,发现产品都是保用的。他要把保用作为卖点。只要别人肯听他说话就成。
18 The Napo River: it is not out of the way. 纳波河:那不是荒僻的地方。

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