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Many factors underlie my decision.

Many factors complicate efforts to calculate a case fatality ratio while an outbreak is still evolving. 疾病仍处于暴发期时很多因素使计算病例病死率的努力复杂化。
Many factors contribute, but at the top of my list is vaccines. 当然,是很多东西造成了这样的情况,但是罪魁祸首就是疫苗。
Many factors could have impact on the efficacy and accuracy of the screening of asymptomatic microscopic hematuria using urine dipsticks. 以尿液测量试纸来筛检明显的泌尿系统疾病的效果仍有相当程度的争议。
Many factors influence the daily program, such as prevailing wind, ice, weather conditions, and wildlife behavior. 途中许多因素可能影响每日的安排,譬如主要风向、冰、天气情况,和野生生物行为。
Many factors militated against the success of our plan. 有很多因素妨碍了我们实现计画.
Many factors underlie my decision. 我的决定以众多因素为基础
Many facts underlie my decision. 我的决定是以许多事实为依据的。
Many families also displace flags on their homes, and some take time to visit veterans' cemetery. Since 1990, some have made the annual concert a part of their memorial day weekend. 很多家庭在他们的家中放上了旗帜,一些人去参观了老兵公墓。从1990年开始,一些人将这个一年一度的音乐会作为他们周末纪念活动的一部分。
Many families and groups of friends get together on weekends and on holidays and play baseball or softball in parks and in spacious lots. 许多家庭和朋友们在周末和假日聚在一起到公园或宽敞的空地上打棒球或垒球。
Many families eat their dinner outside in the open air. 许多家庭在露天吃晚餐。
Many families in need benefit from his charity. 许多有需要的家庭因为他的善举而受益。

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