Construction of the Administrative and Cultural Center: The new planned administrative and cultural center comprises four parts: 1) The civic square and neighboring administrative facilities; 2) the cultural squares, neighboring diversified cultural facil
行政文化中心建设:新规划建设的行政文化中心分为市政广场及其周边行政设施、文化广场及其周边多种文化设施及绿地水体、公园与宾馆、行政商务文化等设施四个区块,总面积117.5公顷。 |
Construction of the Parthenon was championed by Pericles, Athens's most popular elected politician.
帕台农神庙正是由古雅典公推最孚众望的政治家培里克利斯一手促成的。 |
Construction of the bridge began in 1932, during the Great Depression, when jobs were scarce.
金门大桥的建造始于1932年经济大萧条时。 |
Construction of the mill began in February 2004 and anticipated start-up is for Q3 2005.
工厂的建设于2004年2月开始,预计于2005年7月投产。 |
Construction of the new bridge is now under way.
新桥的施工正在进行之中。 |
Construction of the new destroyer is the first approval of the Central Military Commission launched a formal destroyer.
是中央军委批准建造的新型驱逐舰中第一艘正式下水的驱逐舰。 |
Construction of the pilot zone started 3 months ago.
试验区3个月前开始建设。 |
Construction of the power transmission network is part of a 500 million U.S. dollar power supply contract signed in October 2005 between the China Southern Power Grid Company and the state-owned Electricity of Vietnam.
这个电力网的建设属于中国南方电网公司与越南国有的越南电力公司于05年10月达成的一项价值5亿元的电力输送合同。 |
Construction of the six-lane bridge, on which motor vehicles will be able to drive at speeds of up to 100 km per hour, began in Nov. 2003.
大桥的建设始于2003年11月,桥面上有个六车道,机动车的行驶时速将可达100公里。 |
Construction of this palatine chapel, with its octagonal basilica and cupola, began c. 790800 under the Emperor Charlemagne.
这座宫廷教堂整体结构呈长方形,屋顶为拱形,修建于约公元790年到公元800间查理曼大帝执政时期。 |
Construction officially began in 1994, but controversy continued.
即使到了三峡项目1994年正式动工时,争议仍然存在。 |