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He went travelling on foot.

He went to town on horse back . 他骑着马进城。
He went to town on purpose to sell one of his paintings. 他为了卖自己的一幅画而特意进城。
He went to town with the purpose of buying a new television. 他进城的目的是买一台新电视机。
He went to work despite his illness. 尽管生病,他还是去工作。
He went towards the shop quickly. 他快速地向商店走去。
He went travelling on foot. 他徒步旅行。
He went up for the ball, but it went right through his glove, hit him on the head, and sent him crashing to the ground. 他冲过去接球,但球从他手套中脱出来,打在他的头上,把他砸向地面。
He went up the stairs to Jane's room and sat down in the chair next to her bed. 回想起自己很少抽时间陪伴爱侣,卡莱尔非常地后悔,恨不得时间可以倒流。
He went up the stairs. 他上了楼梯。
He went up to Anna Pavlovna, kissed her hand, presenting her with a view of his perfumed, shining bald head, and complacently settled himself on the sofa. 他向安娜·帕夫洛夫娜跟前走来,把那洒满香水的闪闪发亮的秃头凑近她,吻吻她的手,就心平气和地坐到沙发上。
He went up to her to ask her for a dance. 他走到她跟前,请她跳个舞。

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