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For the sake of practice basic objective of cultivation plywood timber D >. 8 cm, stand dominant height should be more than 8.9 m.

For the human being society's long-term development, the whole countries of the world demise part sovereignty that should insist on the principles of sovereignty equality and mutual benefit. 世界各国让渡部分主权要坚持国家主权平等原则,建立平等互利的国际关系,以谋求人类社会的长足发展。
For the inorganic and selecive insecticide combination treatments, the higher richness and diversity were maintained in the insect communities, while the dominant incest pest populations were reduced. 选择性农药及无机农药组配区,群落既维持了一定的丰富度、多样性,又减少了害虫优势种群的虫口数量。
For the most samples,the values of αααC90R/0(R+S) and C9ββ/(αα+ββ) are lower than 0.0,the content of diasteranes is low,and the sterane of C7 is predominance in the series of steranes. αααC90R/0(R+S),C9ββ/(αα+ββ)参数显示处于低熟状态;
For the passengers' injuries and deaths caused by a third party,the railway transportation enterprise has the duty to pre-compensate and later,the railway transportation enterprises have the right to recover the compensation from the third liable party. 由于第三人造成旅客伤害的,铁路运输企业对第三人所致旅客伤害有先予赔偿的义务,铁路运输企业赔付后,有权向有责任的第三人追偿。
For the relative pressure P/P_0≥0. (pore radium r>. nm), the BJH method is used for the calculation of mesopore size distribution, for P/P_0≤0. , the MMP method is used for the calculation of micropore size distribution. 对相对压力P/P_0≥0. (孔径r>.mm)段,可采用BJH法计算中孔孔径分布; 对P/P_0≤0. 段,可采用MMP法计算微孔孔径分布。
For the sake of practice basic objective of cultivation plywood timber D >. 8 cm, stand dominant height should be more than 8.9 m. 要实现胶合板材培育的基本目标D>.8cm,林分优势高必须大于8.9m。
For the two-stage rapid chilling method,temperatures of chilled pork at the early post mortem time were significantly reduced(p<0.0) and pH values dropped slowly; 二阶段急速冷却工艺在宰后初期比常规冷却工艺不仅有效降低冷却猪肉温度,而且同时使其pH值下降缓慢;
For the variety "Guilin-", the average of Yong's modulus and bending strength respectively is 7N/mm and .N/mm. After peeled ,they respectively is .8N/mm and N/mm. 桂林—号甘蔗基部弹性模量的平均值为7N/mm~,最大抗弯强度的平均值为.N/mm~; 基部去掉蔗皮后:弹性模量的平均值为.8N/mm~,最大抗弯强度的平均值为N/mm~。
For the variety “Gulin-”, the average of Yong’s modulus and bending strength respectively is 7N/mm and .N/mm. After peeled ,they respectively is .8N/mm and N/mm. “桂林-号”甘蔗基部弹性模量的平均值为7N/mm,最大抗弯强度的平均值为.N/mm; 基部去掉蔗皮后:弹性模量的平均值为.8N/mm,最大抗弯强度的平均值为N/mm。
For this design,SPWM waveform data only in one / sinuous cycle are required to be stored in ROM that is constructed with internal hardware resource of the FPGA. 该电路用一片用户可编程门阵列(FPGA)芯片实现,电路设计只需将/周期的SPWM波形数据存于FPGA内部硬件资源所构造的ROM中,因此减少了硬件开销。
For this, the enterprises should set up the thought of ecological design and circulating control, and make use of the method of the life cycle assessment to proceed completely analyze to the enterprises' production line. 为此,企业应当树立生态设计和循环控制的思想,利用生命周期分析方法对企业的生产过程进行全面分析。

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