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Cold drinks and ice-cream processing : It may be used to replace de-fatted milk powder and to improve the emulsification of ice-cream ,postpone the crystallization of lactose in the ice-cream, avoid the granules form excessive sugar and improve the qualit

Cold as it is, the children play outdoors. 虽然天气冷,但孩子们仍在户外玩。
Cold autumn rain beats down on my bloodstained face. 冰冷的秋雨打在我脸上流着血的伤口上。
Cold case investigator Pat Brown could be on the trail of an ancient killer. 悬案研究人员布朗也许正在追踪一位古代的凶手。
Cold colors are applicable to dysphoria, irascibility, terror and fear as well as mania, epilepsy, etc. 适用于烦躁易怒、失眠惊恐诸证以及狂证、癫证等。
Cold cracks will be avoided when the width and height of cavity is accurately chosen. 文章通过试验确定了最佳的空腔尺寸,此时可防止冷裂纹的产生。
Cold drinks and ice-cream processing : It may be used to replace de-fatted milk powder and to improve the emulsification of ice-cream ,postpone the crystallization of lactose in the ice-cream, avoid the granules form excessive sugar and improve the qualit 加工冰淇淋:利用其代替脱脂乳粉,可以改善冰淇淋乳化性,推迟冰淇淋中乳糖的结晶,防止其超沙现象,提高产品质量。
Cold drinks were served to all and sundry. 给所有的人都端了冷饮。
Cold event deposits were developed in the Nantuo Formation of the Lower Sinian and should be continental glacial deposits in a low-latitude and low-altitude area. 冷事件沉积产物为下震旦统南沱冰碛层,属低纬度低高程的大陆冰川沉积。
Cold fog dispersal has been an operational success in the U.S. since 1963. 美国自1963年以来,冷雾消散在实际操作上一直是成功的。
Cold food would be preferable in this heat. 在这样的热天吃冷食更好。
Cold forging shape fibreflow are inspected by auto-choose machine with 60pcs/min inspection ensuring high quality. 采用成型材冷锻成型加工,保证金属流线,并采用60片/分无人自动异品选别机选别,保证产品一致性良好。

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