In the future, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard will do her best to provide excellent repairing and new building service for global customers and aim to be the largest of china and first class of the world.
在未来的发展中,舟山中远船务将高举中远旗帜,传承中远文化,擎同一面旗帜,承同一个使命,胸怀远大目标,立足海岛创业,为实现“中国第一、世界一流”的宏伟蓝图,为成为全球航运公司最佳合作伙伴而不懈努力。 |
In the future, Lenovo Mobile is to progressively build a brand image of being Approachable, Stylish, Simple, Innovative &High Quality, and will strive to further improve its competitiveness in each area, in order to evolve into a national and global mobil
在未来,联想移动将塑造一个轻松、时尚、简单、科技、品质的品牌形象,并不断提升各环节的竞争力,逐步发展成为一个拥有精英人才、卓越效率、一流产品,中国一流、全球主流的移动通信产品提供商。 |
In the future, Lenovo Mobile is to progressively build a brand image of being ochApproachable, Stylish, Simple, Innovative &High Quality, and will strive to further improve its competitiveness in each area, in order to evolve into a national and global mo
在未来,联想移动将塑造一个轻松、时尚、简单、科技、品质的品牌形象,并不断提升各环节的竞争力,逐步发展成为一个拥有精英人才、卓越效率、一流产品,中国一流、全球主流的移动通信产品提供商。 |
In the future, Yoseng will continue to develop more new products that integrate with the latest technology, to satisfy the demand of the new generation.
在未来,约升企业也将持续开发新产品并结合最新的科技以创造出符合新一代消费者需求的产品. |
In the future, an international harbor and dock about 150million tons of throughput will be build.
将来还会建设一个年吞吐量为1.5亿吨以上的国际大港和码头。 |
In the future, first-class quality and leading brand are what we will keep endeavoring and innovating for.
未来我们将不断开拓进取,勇于创新,为打造一流品质,争创一流品牌而不断努力。 |
In the future, however, China may have to revisit its statement about its nuclear weapons inventory.
未来,中国仍然可能重申其一贯坚持核武政策,然而英国的核武库存在未来可能会减少而不是增加。 |
In the future, however, technological innovations will graduate much faster and it will not be mass production capability but rather the capability to field and adapt to prototype technology that will win the day.
但是在未来,技术创新将更新的更为快速,到了那一天取得胜利的将不是大规模生产的能力而是对原型的实用化以及进行改造的能力。 |
In the future, new jobs will be born . They must keep acquiring knowledge and learning about new technology.
在将来,新的工作会不断出现,人们完全没有必要过分地担心事业,但是他们必须不断地学习新的知识和技术。 |
In the future, once the new service is put into action, commuters who are bothered by the breakdowns will receive an apology letter from the company, according to the report.
根据报道,在将来,每当有新的服务推出的时候,或者是乘客被地铁的停运等带来烦恼时将会收到公司的道歉信. |
In the future, scientists could place experimental packages on the lunar surface or on interplanetary trajectories for several years before returning them to Earth for laboratory analysis.
科学家未来可将实验设备设置于月球表面或行星之间的轨道上,几年后再取回地球,进行实验室分析。 |