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A face ashen with grief.

A fabric or an article of apparel made from such silk. 马拉布生丝织物由这种生丝制成的织物或衣物
A fabric or garment with a dyed pattern that has been pressed onto it, usually by engraved rollers. 压印,印染带有通常是由雕刻过的滚圈压制而成的图案的布或服装
A fabric with a floral pattern. 印有花图案的织物
A fabric woven wholly or partly of wool, formerly used for clothing. 全部或部分用羊毛纺织的织物,过去用于制衣
A fabulous vacation. 一次特别令人高兴的休假
A face ashen with grief. 一张因悲伤而苍白的脸
A face livid with shock. 因震惊而变惨白的脸
A faceted red object contains two meeting rooms and a kitchen in its lower level. 根据房间的高度,决定将上部空间分割出来作为隔层,由两根桥廊连接。
A facility provided in dialog control. Messages are grouped into chains for error recovery and other purposes. 由对话控制提供的一种功能。为进行差错校正和其它目的,把信息分组后放入链中。
A facing or paneling, usually of wood, applied to the walls of a room. 护墙板加在室中墙上的饰边或板壁,常用木制
A fact sheet from the State Department touting the virtues of the Nonproliferation Treaty, including the text of the treaty and a summary of key provisions. 出自美国国务院的一张简表,说明禁止核武扩散的优点,包含了条约内容和重要条款的概要。

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