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The falling weight deflectometer (FWD) is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the impact compactor.

The falling ratios between 1920 and 1970 led to delayed marriage [see “A Surplus of Women,” By the Numbers, April 2004]. 男女比例在1920~1970年代间出现下滑现象,导致人们晚婚(请参见2004年5月号新闻扫描〈高学历,低结婚率?
The falling slate sliced into his arm. 落下来的一块石片划破了他的手臂.
The falling star described a long curve in the sky. 流星在空中画出了一道长长的弧线。
The falling star she saw was actually her own soul, flying off to heaven. 小姑娘看见的那颗陨落的星,原来就是她自己的灵魂,正向天堂飞去。
The falling tree hit a car. 倒下的树砸着了小汽车。
The falling weight deflectometer (FWD) is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the impact compactor. 摘要将落锤式弯沉仪(FWD)成功地用于路基冲击压实效果的检验。
The fallout has delayed pla for at least one technology listing. 昨日跌市已导致起码一家科技公司决定延迟上市。
The fallout has delayed plans for at least one technology listing. 昨日跌市已导致起码一家科技公司决定延迟上市。
The fallout will probably infect millions. 辐射尘可能对数百万人造成影响。
The fallow ground of the poor yields much food, But it is destroyed through injustice. 23穷人开垦的地多产粮食,但因不义而被毁坏。
The falls are on the Niagara River, which flows between the United States and Canada from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. 瀑布与尼亚加拉河交接,此河流发源于伊利湖,沿途流过两国之间,将美国与加拿大分开,最后注入安大略湖。

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