Besides acting as agent of Huzhou Zhanwang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. for a variety of adjuvant, we are also the agent for many imported adjuvant, such as New Zealand WYNDALEs lactose; Germany BASFs vitamins and direct compression excipients; France Roquett
我公司除代理湖州展望化学药业有限公司各种辅料,同时代理多家进口辅料,诸如:新西兰乳糖系列产品、德国巴斯夫公司维生素系列产品及直接压片辅料;法国罗盖特多元醇系列产品;德国沙索公司聚乙二醇系列产品;瑞士奇华顿粉末系列香精;美国卡博特公司气相法二氧化硅;意大利拉第集团天然酒石酸系列产品;英国禾大公司吐温,司盘系列;日本旭化成公司微晶纤维素系列产品;美国诺誉公司卡伯波树脂系列等。 |
Besides administrative work, Charlie facilitates every sort of artist project imaginable, and as such is an important link connecting non-local artists to Lijiang culture.
除了参与管理性的工作,她还尽可能地为每一位艺术家的艺术项目服务,她的工作在非本土艺术家与丽江文化之间架起了一座桥梁。 |
Besides air journey, staying at hotel, renting car and using credit card can be accumulated as mileage.
除航空旅行外,不论您住宿酒店、租用汽车及使用信用卡签帐,均可累积里程。 |
Besides all the extraordinary performance, grand dances and beautiful costumes, to make the Shanghai audience to enjoy the most exquisite and fine phase of stage arts, the organizer purposely invited from Japan the top musicians, lighting technicians, and
有了这样从精彩表演、强力舞蹈到神奇服装的美妙创意,为了让上海的观众多看到一些精致细微之处,体会到特意从日本聘来的音响师、灯光师、舞台设计师们共同营造的目前世界上顶尖室内演唱会的奇妙之处。 |
Besides all the wonderful performances over the years at the Sydney Opera House, some other exciting things have happened.
一年到头,所有的精彩节目都会在悉尼歌剧院上演,除此之外,这里还上演着其他一些令人兴奋的事。 |
Besides analysis, the concept of membrane immunochromatography can be expanded to in situ fractionation of chemical species.
除了分析,膜免疫层析的原理还能延伸到化学样本的原位分级分离。 |
Besides analyzing his actual financial situation, it will also make some estimates about his future position.
不仅要分析客户目前的财务状况,租赁公司还要预计期未来的情况。 |
Besides avoidance of some misconception and misapplication, careful analysis is necessary in all the phases and procedures of the designing and production of multimedia teaching material to better its effect and ensure its positive role in improving forei
首先要警惕多媒体应用中的种种误区,其次要对多媒体制作和使用的各个环节、过程作细致地分析,不断完善,使之真正起到优化英语教学的作用。 |
Besides bandwidth and latency, what other parameter is needed to give a good characterization of the quality of service offered by a network used for digitized voice traffic?
数字化的语音所经过的网络,除了对带宽和延迟有要求之外,还有什么参数影响它的服务质量? |
Besides being able to fire them from howitzers, users could haul them around in backpacks or drop them from the air.
使用者除了能用榴弹炮发射,还能把飞机放在背包里四处走动,或是在空中投放。 |
Besides being accomplished within the time required, the projects qualified for the appraisal must submit overt projects, sound codes, documents and so on.
最终进入评审的项目在规定时间内完成的同时,还要提交公开的可执行程序与源代码、齐全的项目文档等。 |