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A web-enabled dashboard presents key performance indicators to help programs stay on track and to validate the resulting return on investment of efficiency projects.

A web server dedicated to the task of serving e-mail. 用于邮件服务的网络服务器。
A web server that hostsweb services like providing web site space to companies or individuals. 一个网络服务器,主机网络服务,像提供网站空间给公司或是个人。
A web server you can logon to, and download files from (or upload files to). 你可以登录该服务器,并从上面上传或下载文件。
A web technology for streaming movies from a web server to a web client. Developed by Microsoft. 用于在客户端播放站点电影流的网络技术,由微软开发。
A web validator is a software program that can check your web pages against the web standards. 网络认证器是专门根据网站的标准来检验网页的软件程序。
A web-enabled dashboard presents key performance indicators to help programs stay on track and to validate the resulting return on investment of efficiency projects. 可与网络连接的仪表板显示关键的绩效指标,帮助程序保持跟踪,确认效率项目投资的最终回报。
A web-slinging toy by Hasbro Inc. and a racing timer featuring a digital LCD screen by Mattel Inc. should be two of the hottest selling toys this summer, according to the Spring 2007 Hot Dozen list by Toy Wishes Magazine. 从美国《玩具意愿》杂志日前排出2007年春季十二大热销玩具名单中来看,由孩之宝公司玩具公司生产的吊挂玩具及美泰玩具有限公司生产的液晶显示屏赛车计时器榜上有名,预计将成为今夏最热销的两种玩具。
A website and blog, places to share information, write more personally about water issues and your personal and professional water-related experiences , ask questions to colleagues in other countries, or just express your feelings about being a journalist 非洲水事记者网是个拥有超过1,000关于水的记者的团体网,该网站提供的服务有:这是一个博客网站,它提供共享的信息,并提供这样的一个平台,可以写出个人观点和你的专业经验,并可以向其它国家的同僚提问,或者仅仅是表达作为一个非洲水事记者你的感受。
A website engine designed to generate realtime price comparisons of brick-and-mortar store products. 这是个站点引擎,用于生成建筑材料存储产品的实时价格比较信息。
A website in Japan has stunned fans of the K-pop superstar BoA by offering an adult video purporting to feature the singer. [日本某网站开放色情影带貌似著名韩流歌手“宝儿”,轰动了不少宝迷。
A website is claiming that 7 NFL football stadiums will be hit with radiological dirty bombs this weekend. 一个网站声称这周末7个美国国家足联的足球运动场将会被射线污染了的爆炸袭击。

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