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Wang was so ashamed that he hastily left with his gold and gifts.

Wang walked one and struck out three, keeping his fielders busy with the usual array of ground balls and a few more fly balls than normal. 王建民本场球赛保送一人,三振三人,一如往常的制造出少许飞球和大量的滚地球让野手处理。
Wang was formerly the Officer of the Wuhan city Commerce Bureau of China. 王以前是中国武汉市商业局的官员。
Wang was introduced as the spokesperson for the 2009 World Games on Monday at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York City. 周一在纽约的台北经济文化交流办公室,小民以2009年世界运动会的代言人被介绍.
Wang was left behind in Florida when the team ended training camp because of a strained right hamstring. His days consisted of workouts and treatment. 小王因在春训结束前右大腿受伤,而被留在佛州的春训基地里。他每天都在训练中渡日。
Wang was named the 231st-richest person in the world by Forbes magazine in 2004, with a net worth of US$2.3 billion. 《福布斯》去年发布全球富豪榜,龚如心排名231,身家共23亿美元。
Wang was so ashamed that he hastily left with his gold and gifts. 王密惭愧极了,赶忙带黄金和礼物回去。
Wang went on to set the mood for the evening with a rousing non-stop rendition of three of his hits. 经过3首连续不断的歌曲表演,力宏很快调整自己进入状态。
Wang will also be trying to match a career high by winning his fifth straight start and enters today's contest with a 7-4 record and a 3.33 earned run average. 小王带著7胜4败,3.33的投手自责分率,将试著以这次比赛挑战他生涯到目前为止的连胜五场记录。
Wang will play catch Sunday and is scheduled to have a bullpen session Monday. 王建民将在星期日进行传接球练习,并预定在星期一进牛棚练投。
Wang worked 6 1/3 innings and scattered five hits. 建仔主投6又1/3局、被击出5支安打。
Wang would pitch so well that it did not make much difference who played as the Yankees beat the Mariners, 9-2, to squelch any talk of a post-Red Sox series letdown. 阿民在今晚表现的就像以前一样突出也顺利带领球队以9-2击败水手,也让一些怀疑他在红袜的系列赛前状况已经走下坡的谣言不攻自破。

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