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Steven: Connie has been working on a story on employment agencies. She's still working on it. Jake has been working on an archaeology story.

Steven: Anyway, do you think Matrix 2 is going to be another blockbuster? 不管怎么说,你认为第二集会同样一鸣惊人吗?
Steven: As you can see from the third graph, it picks up dramatically in year 3. 您看第三张图表,第三年的销售量会大幅度提高。
Steven: At least there's work. 史帝文:至少我还有工作。
Steven: Before I do that, I would like to refer to the third slide I showed you with our market forecasts. 在我回答这个问题前,我想用第三张幻灯片来向您展示我们的市场预测。
Steven: But I don't even understand a single work of his. Does than mean I don't have a taste for art? 但是,他的一部作品我都看不懂。这是不是说明我没有艺术品位?
Steven: Connie has been working on a story on employment agencies. She's still working on it. Jake has been working on an archaeology story. 史蒂文:康妮一直在搞一个关于职业介绍所的新闻节目,她还在做这个。杰克正在做一个关于考古的新闻节目。
Steven: Connie? Can you come in here? 史蒂文:康妮?你能来一下吗?
Steven: Cuz he makes me look like stupid. I don't even have an idea about what he wanted to convey by the works. 因为他的作品总是使我看起来很蠢。我甚至对他想通过作品表达的思想一无所知。
Steven: Don't you think it's very hot in here? 史帝文:难道你们不觉得这儿有点儿热吗?
Steven: He graduated from Columbia University last year. . . And Greg Olden went to Columbia, but he didn't graduate. 史蒂文:他去年从哥伦比亚大学毕业⋯⋯格来格•奥登也去了哥伦比亚,但他没有毕业。
Steven: He promised to treat you with pizza there? 他也答应请你在那儿吃匹萨了吗?

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