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More die by food than by famine.

More dealing is imminent, beginning with Spanoulis, Lucas and Head. 更多的交易即将开始,斯潘诺里斯,卢卡斯和头部.
More detail on dislocations, including partials, stacking faults, and dislocation intersections are discussed. 更深入了解差排,探讨包含部份差排、叠差及差排间交互作用。
More detailed researches are focused on discussing the rationality and restrictive of DF problem in this paper and the typical exemplification and counterexample are presented. 本文针对描述函数法适用于该问题的合理性及其局限性作了较为深入的分析,并给出了典型的例证和反例加以说明。
More details are coming out about the driver who may have caused the crash that has left New Jersey Governor John Corzine with multiple injures. 关于这个司机的更多的真相已经浮出水面,就是把新泽西州州长约翰·科恩撞得遍体鳞伤的司机。
More details on policy regarding these recordings will be issued later. 对于这些记录的详细规则将在以后公布。
More die by food than by famine. 饥馑而死的少,饱食而死的多。
More dolls can move on a flatbed train which coils around twin connected spiral towers. 可以把大部分洋娃娃搬运到平板拖车(列车)上,让它随着拖车在螺旋双塔一起旋转展示.
More dwarf planets of a similar size to Pluto would join the family of planets. 将会有和冥王星体积相似的更多矮行星们加入到行星家族之中。
More effective to do analysis in China? 在中国完成分析是否会更有效?
More efficient forms of energy storage will enable the user to bridge the gap between summer supply and winter demand. 更有效的能源储存方式可以使用户弥补夏冬季节能源供需之间的缺口。
More effort should be made in searching for an administration set-up, more suitable for market-orientated economy and more coordinative with waterway transportation development. 为此,应积极探索与市场经济相适应、与水运业发展相协调的港航管理体制。

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