Start laughing for no reason at all .(Ok,be careful where you try this one --don't want you to get locked away!
没有任何理由也可以发笑(可要小心哦,不要被别人给轰出来!) |
Start living life here and now instead of waiting for that mythical day when you'll be slim.
此时此地就开始积极的生活,而不要坐等你想像中变苗条的那一天. |
Start making things or reusing rather than buying ready made.
开始动手做一些或者重新利用旧的事物,而不要买新的。 |
Start members out with very little.
公会发起人通常很少。 |
Start off with short, slow songs.
刚开始的时候,要用一些简短而舒缓的歌曲。 |
Start on this assignment right away.
立刻开始本项作业。 |
Start reduce to 250 knots for sequence.
开始减小至250节为了次序。 |
Start relying on repetition and hours of practice to develop your timing, judgment, and feelof a particular shot.
尝试着花上几个小时来提高自己对击球时间的掌握,提高自己的判断能力,然后这找一找击球时的“球感”吧。 |
Start seawater pump of generator at 90% MCR of M/E. After reaching of the setting of vacuum, the seawater is heated with jacket water.
当主机在90%MCR时,起动造水机海水泵。待真空度达到规定值后,用缸套水加热海水。 |
Start slowly. Set aside 15 minutes each day. Organize a single shelf or pile and work on that area until it's done. You'll be surprised how fast the mess disappears.
慢慢开始。每天用15分钟的时间,整理一个书架或一堆东西。只整理那个书架或那堆东西,直到整理完毕为止。你会惊奇的发现那种乱糟糟的情况很快就没有了。 |
Start solid modeling self-tutorial and complete your design for your inlay (e.g., solid model of your name where the letters are parts and the waterjet-cut tile and wood frame are also parts, then put it all together as an assembly).
开始学习实体造型自学材料并完成你的镶嵌花砖设计(例如,用你的名字做的实体模型,字母作为构件而且水流切割的花砖以及木框也是构件,然后将其装配成元件。) |