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A woman is flax, a man is fire, the devil comes and blows the bellows.

A woman in jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. 一位穿着牛仔裤的妇女站在一家高档商店的橱窗前。
A woman in the middle age comes in, and follows a crowd of child later. 一位中年妇女走进来,后面跟着一群孩子。
A woman in whom intelligence and femininity were not antagonists but complement to each other. 我理解:一个妇女的智慧和柔情不是对立的两方面而是相互补充的.
A woman is beautiful anyway as long as she follows her own nature, no matter whether she devotes herself to love, handles housework enjoyably, or foster her baby concentratedly. 一个女人,只要她遵循自己的天性,那么,不论她在痴情地恋爱,在愉快地操持家务,在全神贯注地哺育婴儿,都无往而不美。
A woman is conditioned to view her face as a mask and her body as an object, as things separate from and more important than her real self. 妇女已习惯于将自己的脸视为面具,将自己的身体视为物品,如同脱离本体又高于本体的东西。
A woman is flax, a man is fire, the devil comes and blows the bellows. 女人是风,男人是火,魔鬼来煽风点火。
A woman is incomplete until she is married. Then she is finished. 女人要到结婚时才算完整,结婚后便完蛋了。
A woman is like a tea bag – only in hot water do you realize how strong she is. 女人就像茶包,非要水深火热方明白她(它)有多强(浓)。
A woman is seen in a mirror in the old Hussein area in Cairo, Egypt. The area is one of the most impotent tourist attractions in Egypt. 在埃及最重要的旅游景地胡赛因广场;镜头透过当地手工制作的镜子,拍到的一名埃及女子。
A woman is sitting there, too. 一位女士也坐在那里。
A woman looked at a huge robot of praying mantis exhibited at a shopping mall in Marunouchi business district in Tokyo on Saturday. 周六一名女人,注视著展出在东京丸之内商业区一间购物商场里头的大极了的螳螂机器人。

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