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“I do love quiet, rural England” (George Meredith).

“I didn't respond at the time, but this is not a good way to behave. I won't accept that from a fellow professional and I'm not happy about it. “我当时没有搭理他,那不是一个解决问题的好办法。我不能接受来自同为职业球员的同行的这种行为,我感到很难过。”
“I didn't want the graffiti coating, because I think vandalism is an expression of the city. 艾森曼表示:“我不想掩饰那些涂鸦,因为我认为这是对城市的一种情感表达方式。
“I didn't want to be a Communist Party member anymore,” he explained. 他说,“我那时就再也不想做党员了。”
“I didn't,” said Josh, sternly and immediately in response to the question. “That's plain and simple. I didn't. “我没有小看他们”,霍华德阴沉着脸,立马做出了反应。“很简单,我并没有小瞧他们”。
“I do feel as though there will be more to come, when I find a place and get settled and get into the swing of things, and also get to know different players' strengths. “我当然认为后面的路很长,当我找到了一个地方并呆在那儿,知道不同球员的特点。
“I do love quiet, rural England” (George Meredith). “我确实喜欢安静的英格兰乡村”(乔治·麦瑞蒂斯)。
“I do not believe that Chinese leaders are willing to expend major political capital on this issue,” Mr. “我不认为,中国领导人愿意在这个问题上花费巨额的政治资本,”人民大学的金先生说。
“I do not feel my position up for debate and right now I am only thinking about Serie A,” said Deschamps after last night's 1-0 win away to Verona. “我不认为我的位置存在争议,现在我考虑的只有下赛季的意甲,”在昨天客场1:0战胜维罗纳后,德尚说道。
“I do not feel that I am on the wane as some people have been saying for the past six or seven years,” said the Bianconeri legend, who has netted 203 goals for the goal. 我不认为我在走下坡路,尽管在过去6,7年一些人一直这么认为,这名展望第203粒进球的斑马军团的传奇人物说道.
“I do not see that the salient properties of SOC that are requisites for its application are reproduced in the earthquake data. “我从地震资料数据中看不出SOC〔译注∶‘自组成临界性’〕的显著性质对其应用是必不可少的。”
“I do,” Taelan replied sincerely. 我发誓.泰兰忠诚地回答到.

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