Instead Australia's economy has been stretched taut.
而澳大利亚的经济是伸展拉紧的。 |
Instead China emphasises weaponry and doctrine that could be used to defeat a far more powerful enemy using “asymmetric capabilities”.
因此中国更注重运用能够“以小博大”的武器和战略,来对付比自己强大得多的敌人。 |
Instead I ended up on the hot seat .
可是,结果弄得我很为难。 |
Instead I recommend to young people to seek work for what they will learn, more than what they will earn.
相反,我劝告年轻人在寻找工作时要看看能从中学到什么,而不是只看能挣到多少。 |
Instead I smiled faintly and asked her to please come in.
可是我还是淡淡微笑,请她进屋。 |
Instead aim to achieve full control and different palettes of tone colour.
而应该以控制和区分不同的音色为目标。 |
Instead ascension shall be gradual and generational ahead, with humans and all other living things upon earth rising each cycle a little further towards photonic biology.
反之,前方的提升将是渐变而逐代的,人类和一切地球生灵将逐次慢慢接近光子生物体。 |
Instead ask yourself, my dearest love: What should a free man do ?
相反要问问你自己,我最深爱的人:一个自由的人该怎么做? |
Instead cheap glue is used to hold together a $200.00 pair of boots.
廉价的胶水替代了这些工艺被用来组装这些价值200美元的球鞋。 |
Instead every successful grain produces a stalk and a sheaf containing many more grains.
但实际上从一株小麦上可收成许许多多的麦子。 |
Instead going long, by reducing numbers but committing to the long-haul in Iraq, may have the best chance of getting a consensus.
减少驻伊军队数量,保持长期驻守伊拉克或许比传统意义上的打持久战更能够让多数人达成共识。 |