The full power hydraulic brake system has several advantages over traditional brake actuation systems.
摘要全动力液压制动系统与传统制动系统相比具有很多优点。 |
The full priority scheduling algorithm generates the scheduling list according to the priority vectors, and only the application which has the highest priority can be submitted while the non-absolute priority scheduling algorithm schedules several indepen
其中,完全优先级调度算法根据网格工作流中的应用程序优先级向量生成调度序列,而且每次只将队列中优先级最高的应用程序提交给网格,而非完全优先级调度算法可同时调度若干无依赖的网格应用程序进入网格,以弥补完全优先级调度算法的并行化问题。 |
The full report isn't ready yet, but you can see the interim report.
正式报告尚未写好,但你可以先看看这份临时报告。 |
The full scale experiments were conducted, which validated the reliability of the zone model.
并通过典型实验验证了该区域模型的可靠性。 |
The full set of the shipping documents of 100% invoice value shall accompany the collection item and shall only be released after full payment of the invoice value.
100%发票金额的全套装运单据随附于托收项下,于进口商付清发票全部金额后交单。 |
The full soul loathes a honeycomb, But to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.
7吃饱的人,厌恶蜂房的蜜;饥饿的人,一切苦物都觉甘甜。 |
The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.
7人吃饱了,厌恶蜂房的蜜。人饥饿了,一切苦物都觉甘甜。 |
The full speed peripheral controller is very flexible and software configurable, in terms of the type, size, and buffering mechanism of each endpoint.
就每一个终端的类型,大小和缓冲机构而言,全速处理器非常灵活,而且其软件可设置。 |
The full text reads as follows.
全文如下。 |
The full understanding of this section can be achieved by discussing absolute and relative qualities of rights and doubleness of performer of obligation on the basis of comparing constitutions of major countries with written constitutions.
在比较各主要成文宪法国家宪法的基础上,提出从受教育权利绝对性与相对性和受教育义务履行者双重性两个方面来进一步探讨该条款,会加深对该条款的理解。 |
The full version last update at 2007-07-01,if you found shu_errorfrom your script,Email to me for update please.
正式版最后的更新是在2007-07-01,七月份后使用过的用户均已更新,烦收邮件,谢谢! |