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“There are many designs for nesting boxes, ranging from simple to complex, but a sturdy plastic box or laid-down garbage can filled with sandbox sand and/or potting soil will often do the trick.

“There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that understand trinary, those that don't, and those that confuse it with binary. 这个世界上有10种人,其中有些是能理解三进制的,有些不懂,有些则把它和二进制弄混淆了。
“There are a lot of nickel shoehorns there,” said Jimmy coolly, “that I'm going to return. “里边是好多镍制的鞋拔,”基米冷冷地说,“我准备把它们统统退回去。
“There are all the images of naked and disgusting women with my bf.”?? 不是吧?网站上登着你男友和她们的合影和录象?莫非你男友就是传说中的男优??密切关注中!!!!
“There are good medium-term reasons to think that the biofuels price shock will pass,” he said. 他表示:“从中期角度看,有很充分的理由认为,生物燃料对食品价格的冲击将会消失。”
“There are lots of heroes in September 11,but none of them could save America,The mood of the moment may provide a rare opportunity to step back from this cultural bloodlust and bring forth entertainment that might ennoble its audience rather than exploit 911事件中涌现出许多英雄,但他们中没有一人能帮助美国躲过这场灾难.当前的这种心态或许提供了一个极好的机会来冷静思考这种文化杀戮欲,并带来能提高观众精神境界而非利用他们的娱乐活动.
“There are many designs for nesting boxes, ranging from simple to complex, but a sturdy plastic box or laid-down garbage can filled with sandbox sand and/or potting soil will often do the trick. “有很多产卵盒的设计,简单的,复杂的,但一个装进沙子或陶土的、坚固的塑料盒或横放的垃圾箱就能满足需要。
“There are many software tools available for automating the process of assembling your composite panoramas. 3是一个操作简便、能够将多张照片以无缝方式连接成单张全景照片的应用程序。
“There are no friends on the field of play,” pointed out the defender. “We'll try to beat the World Cup holders. “在足球场上比赛时,没有朋友,”这位后卫表示。“我们将努力战胜世界杯得主。”
“There are no regrets in life, just lessons. 生活中没有遗憾,只有经验教训。
“There are no skeletons in his cupboard. “他可没什么见不得人的事。”
“There are only two creatures,” syas a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids—the eagle and the snail. 俗话说:“能登上金字塔的生物,只有两种——鹰和蜗牛。”

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