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He dismissed people with a lordly gesture.

He dislikes dogs. 他不喜欢狗。
He dislikes gaudy decorations. 他不喜欢俗丽的装饰。
He dislikes his wide nostrils. 他不喜欢自己的宽大的鼻孔。
He dismi ed concer the decision would result in grave damage to Hong Kong's autonomy. 他不认为该项决定会严重损害香港的高度自治。
He dismissed concerns the decision would result in grave damage to Hong Kong's autonomy. 他不认为该项决定会严重损害香港的高度自治。
He dismissed people with a lordly gesture. 他傲慢地让大家离去。
He dismissed the ***ists' proposals as mere propaganda. 他认为***党那些建议只是宣传把戏,是不是值得理会的)。
He dismissed the Bs' proposals as mere propaganda. 他认为B党那些建议只是宣传把戏,是不是值得理会的)。
He dismissed the Dolly studies as “veterinary animal work. 他驳斥桃莉羊的研究不过是「兽医师的动物研究」罢了。
He dismissed the unpleasant subject and talked about something else. 他不谈论这个令人不愉快的话题,而去谈论别的事情。
He dismisses the idea that the Premiership newcomers have got where they are, currently seventh place, by sheer hard work and determination. 他认为联赛新军已经找到了他们的定位,现在是联赛第七,完全是通过艰苦的工作和决心。

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