It can be used with good defensive midfield cover when trying to see out a tight game, but be careful.
当有很好的中场防守覆盖且试图完成一场艰苦的比赛时可以使用,但需谨慎。 |
It can be very cold in Scotland.
苏格兰天气会很冷的。 |
It can be very dangerous if a tire blows out while one is driving at high speed.
轮胎在高速前进时爆裂是非常危险的事。 |
It can be very disabling and painful, even when just a few foci are present.
即使有少数病灶也可导致痛经和月经不调。 |
It can be very warm in September.
九月份也可能很暖和。 |
It can be widely used for various soils, and in design and constructions of pile foundation all over the world.
本专利技术适应地层广泛,可广泛应用于全世界的桩基设计施工中。 |
It can be withdrawn in a lump sum or by several times with the minimum withdrawal sum not less than 50,000 RMB yuan each time.
个人通知存款可一次或分次支取,每次最低支取额为50,000元人民币。 |
It can be worth the effort however.
然而这份努力也可能是很值得的。 |
It can be your workstation, or another machine on your lan. The choice is yours.
它可以是工作丫,或者另台局域网的机器。选择权属于你的。 |
It can become a reality to the liver and also represent the thought of self-centralization from the relationship between self (liver) and world (dwelling) from the ideas of body upon the Taiwanese vernacular dwellings.
从身体到时间、空间、天地、万物等皆可从「身体」的特有认知方法出发,并且完成一个可分述,却也能形成整体性的总体认知;「身体」与「宇宙」之间创建出的秩序与符号表达,实时常规文化内涵融合的体现。 |
It can become a terrible master, making people discontented with what they have, and eager to grasp more of this world's perishable treasures.
它会成为一名可怕的主人,使百姓不满现状,急切地攫取天下最易腐烂的财富。 |